Wednesday, May 25, 2011

WWTK - Wednesday

We Want To Know.... Q & A brought to you by:

This is hosted by these four cuties: Janette, Seriously Shawn, Impulsive Addict and Mamarazzi. It's a super fun meme that you can join along and we can get to know you too.

1.} What must you do before you go to bed at night? This is going to sound crazy, but I must make the bed and make sure the sheets are tucked in at the foot just right. Then I have to make sure my quilt that I have slept with for the last 15 years is perfectly straight on the bed. Once I get in the bed I get situated and then I wiggle 3 or 4 times just to get nice and snug. Buck laughs because if anything gets messed up I have to start all over again.

2.} What is one thing you must snack on at the theater? Snow Caps. Yep… the little chocolate chips with the little white dots on top (I forgot what they are called). It is an obsession.

3.} Before going on vacation what must you do? Before we go anywhere for the night or for the week, I have to clean house and make sure all the laundry is washed. It’s nice to come home to a clean house after you have been on vacation and you don’t have to do anything but unpack.

4.} What is one thing you must do every day? I don’t think there is one particular thing I have to do every day besides the normal stuff. Like I must brush my teeth, I must feed the kids, I must take a bath… etc.
5.} Is there something you do that must be done in a particular order? Did you read the bed thing in question 1? I’m just a little OCD about things, like my makeup, cleaning the house, buying groceries… Yeah... that is the worst! I’ve got to go in a particular order or I will end up forgetting half the stuff I need. I’ve got to take my medicine in the same order, when I take a shower… I do everything in order… every time. I’ve got to have list or I don’t know what I’m doing most the time.



Anonymous said...

Hey there!!

Snow caps are super yummy!! Movies or not, I will DEVOUR them! :)

My hubs is that with the bed too. Everything has to be so so before he gets in.

stephanie said...

I have to clean before a vacay too- I hate coming home to a dirty house.

TheUnSoccerMom said...

I have to do things in order so I don't forget a step or two! haha... there have been days when I didn't wash my face, or put in conditioner, or put on deoderant... all b/c I didn't go in my normal order of things. :o)

Oilfield Trash said...

I am the same way about my bed as well.

Rosalind said...

so glad to know I'm not the only one :D

Jennah Smith said...

Really good advices :)
specially the 3rd one about cleaning.
I myself clean my house before going out.

Jennah Smith
PMS Relief