Wednesday, May 4, 2011

We want to Know Wednesday - Q&A

Saw this over at Confessions from an Impulsive Addict and I thought, why not... looks like fun. If you are interested in playing along, click on the cute button above and link up! Ok...good!


So here are this weeks questions:

1. If money didn't matter, where would your perfect vacation take place? Briefly describe.

2. What's a bad habit that you have {or ha} that is/was hard to break?

3. If you weren't on a diet or counting calories, what would you like to have for dinner tonight?

4. If you had the chance to interview anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and what's one question that you would ask?

5. Describe yourself in 6 words.

1. Vacation - I have always wanted to travel the world. So that is exactly what I would do. I'd stay in the best hotels, be choferred around town while I consume massive amounts of champagne and strawberries.

2. Bad Habbit - I smoke. I have tried to quit, quit several times and no success. I quit when I was pregnant with both my children, but always picked the habbit back up. I love to smoke, and that is probably why I can't quit. I really don't do it that much, maybe 4 or 5 a day. You would think I could put it down. 

3. Dinner tonight - well, I'm not really on a diet or counting calories... but I'd really like to have Lasagna for dinner... my lasagna recipe, with french bread smothered in garlic butter.

4. Interview - you know, there isn't anyone that I really want to interview. I know you think that is stupid, but it's true. There isn't any celebrity out there dead or alive that I have ever been really impressed with. I don't get star struck by anyone. If I could get the chance to talk to my Grandma Sadie again, I would. She was a pretty awesome woman.

5. 6 words - Understanding, Loving, Compassionate, Overwhelmed, Guarded, and Honest.


Impulsive Addict said...

Champagne makes me think of mimosas and I LOVE mimosa's! YUM!

I used to be a smoker. It's hard to quit.

Mmmm...lasagna with garlic bread. I'm hungry!!

I get overwhelmed a lot too. I get that!

Thank you so much for linking up with us today! Happy Hump Day!

Oilfield Trash said...

I also smoke, so don't feel bad or like you are alone with this.

TheUnSoccerMom said...

I must do this!

It's neat to learn these things about you. And great minds think alike. I'm going to try making real lasagna for the first time tonight (or, one day this week if I don't get home in time tonight).

I used to smoke... I didn't want to quit either... but I did, and you'll have to wait to find out how I did it!! ;o)

Bruna said...

I love Lasagna and would definitely travel the world too!

I love your blog design:)
Added myself to your Google Friend Connect.

Come by and visit me sometime!

Joy said...

You should have come to dinner Sunday night. We have homemade lasagna and my new garlic butter french toast.

Rosalind said...

@ Impulsive - Thanks for visiting!

@ OT - It's a love hate relationship with my smokes

@ Mom - check way back in my history I have a post with my lasagna recipe, super simple.

@ Bruna - Thank you, I will come visit... on my way now.

@ Joy - holla at a girl when it's time for dinner! Much Love!

Unknown said...

Oh, I was too lazy to make my "real" lasagna the other day so made up a recipe for some ravioli lasagna OMG was it good- just more pockets of cheese with all the other goodness. ;-) Of course I love anything pasta.

So glad I found this linky I am having a blast meeting new (to me) bloggers. I'm your newest follower.