Wednesday, May 18, 2011

WWTK Wednesday!


Welcome to yet another week of "We want to know... Q & A"

This is hosted by Charlies Angels. AKA:Mamarazzi, Impulsive Addict, Janette and Shawn

{1} If you could choose a Super Power, what would it be?
{2} What would be your first frivolous purchase if you were awarded a million dollars tomorrow? (and don't say "that's not a lot of money", it sounds pretentious)
{3} What would be the hardest current luxury for you to give up?
{4} If you were given a choice between being given great wisdom and great wealth, which would you choose?
{5} I you were to be stranded on a deserted island for 100 days what 5 THINGS would you pack?

1. My super power? I'm a mom... I was granted super powers when my kids were born. I have eyes in the back of my head, I can clean my house in a single bound, I can hear a pin drop 100 feet away, and I have super strength... enough to tote 2 kids through Wal-Mart on a Saturday afternoon WHILE pushing a buggy.

2. Seriously... I would buy everyone in the family a new car... NEW.. not something that someone else has driven to get the first 15,000 miles in... brand new. I would buy my Pop, myself, and my sister brand new White Corvettes with Red leather interior. His tag would say "Pop", mine "Rosie" and hers "Jo Jo"... as far as Mom, mom in law, father in law and the hubby... they can get what they want. I have a feeling the Hubby would probably want a F350 4X4 King Ranch... I have no problem with that either.

3. A current luxury? My txt messaging. yep... I don't really call anyone to just talk unless I'm driving home from work and I usually talk to my parents or my hubby. I txt my friends... I think I would go insane if I had to stop txting because sometimes I have just one thing to say... and don't want to have a long drawn out conversation.

4. I'd like to have great wisdom over great wealth any day... very simple

5. 5 things for 100 days... if I didn't need food or shelter I would need... sunscreen, a bikini, sunglasses, a kindle, and maybe a BOAT???


Oilfield Trash said...

I agree with you on the eyes in the back of the head thing. As a parent, I know all to well what you are talking about.

Rosalind said...

my husband laughs at me because of my super sonic hearing... I seriously can hear a mouse fart in the other end of the house. It's going to be a big help when the girls get in their teen years.

TheUnSoccerMom said...

Love your answers to #1!! haha.. so true!

Rosalind said...

I was being as honest as I could possibly be!

Gena @ Life With Captain Fussybuckets said...

Hi! I'm a new follower from the weekend blog hop! Cute blog!!!