Saturday, May 21, 2011

Rosie's Challenge - Day 1

30 Days of Truth... Rosie's Challenge - I decided to take up a 30 Day Challenge about myself. It will probably take more than 30 days to complete but I am willing to make the effort to get it done. Click here to get the list if you are interested in joining in... peace out yo!

Day 1: Something you hate about yourself.

Wow... started off with a good one. Something I hate about myself.... Well if I went with physical traits I would definitely say that I hate my feet.

Yep... my feet. Ladies and Gentlemen, I wear a size 9 1/2 wide. I am completely flat footed, I have no arches when I stand bare foot. It is almost sick when you look at my feet. I try to draw attention away from my feet when I buy shoes. What really makes me mad is that I can't wear just any shoe. Nope.. I have to be very careful in the style shoes I wear. One reason I wear flip flops or sandals most of the time. As far as dress shoes... the higher the heel the better. My favorite pair of shoes right now... and have been for a while are a 4 inch Jessica Simpson black patent leather peep toe...  these shoes are HOT, and I need a pair in every color. I have some shoes I wear that I will only wear if I have pants one. Simply for the fact that my fat foot spills out over the side of the shoes and I look like I have serious problems.

I would like to thank my Pop for this curse that he has bestowed on my sister and I. Her problem is not near as bad as mine. I'm not kidding when I say I have no arches. I leave a very silly looking wet foot print and my wet bare feet on concrete sounds like someone clapping their hands.

One good thing... I can pick up a tennis ball with my toes, among other things. Bet you skinny ass high arched folks can't do that... haha! It came in real handy when I was pregnant with both kids. I could pick up things off the floor without ever having to bend over. WINNING!


Joy said...

Your feet are cute!!! And be glad you can rock those shoes! I have plantar fasciitis and it sucks.... can't wait heels hardly ever! =(

shan said...

You and Chad with your flat feet! That's why he wears an 11 1/2.

stephanie said...

I don't have flat feet but I have BIG feet so I can commiserate! I wear a 9-1/2 too except with being pregnant and the swelling I'm currently sporting 10s. Snugly at that!

Maasiyat said...

I don't have fat feet but do have ugly feet which are a pain in my ass to buy shoes for. They are short and wide just like the rest of me so it is almost impossible to find shoes that fit both width and length. Stupid feet.

Maasiyat said...

fLat not fat*

Rosalind said...

Joy - k, I do not have cute feet... they are just well manicured haha. I feel your pain tho, I believe I'm starting to get arthritis in my right foot so I feel the need to lower my heel coming soon.

Shan - Buck wears a 13... my poor kids

Stephanie - You should have seen my feet when I was preggo. It got scary. Keep your propped up and stay away from salt. You know what to do girl :)

Maasiyat - IKR!!! yet another reason I wear flip flops or heels. my feet are extra wide so wide width sometimes don't fit either.

Justlittlecajunme said...

Great post! MyLove tells me I have hobbit feet...LMAO!

I have to go into children's section to buy shoes alot of the time. Try finding an adult looking shoe in the kid's section.

TheUnSoccerMom said...

AAAHAHAHAHAHA! I don't have flat feet, but I do have monkey toes. I bet I could learn to hold a pencil and write in cursive w/ my toes if I just practiced enough. :o)

Those shoes are awesome! :o)

Rosalind said...

Justlittlecajunme - I think I would much rather have hobbit feet.

Mom - Don't you love the monkey toes? I think I could write with my toes too.