Thursday, December 30, 2010


Ugh! This time of year is so completely wrapped up with this one going here that one going there and I have no idea in hell where I'm supposed to be most of the time. Last week of the year, busiest week of the year at work and home. No wonder I polished off a bottle of pino g last night! Of course I paid for it as well this morning and didn't have enough sense to have a little hair of the dog when I got home.

Husband has his cousin in from out of town this week. Kid #1 and their Kid #1 are two days apart. Cousin and I checked in once a week through out our pregnancy just to say... did you feel that, my stomach did that, I ate pickles and chocolate syrup and it was sooooo good. Seriously. I strongly recommend when you get preggo if you ever plan to, find someone, join a group something... always better to have someone there you can compare notes to as you go along. Yeah, my sister had her kid #1 well before I did and offered up amazing advice, but there is nothing like having someone right there. Anyhow, her kid came early due to a small dose of Castor oil in efforts to get labor started... we were awakened at 5 a.m. on a Saturday morning by her husbands words... we won. We were schedules to be induced 2 days later on a Monday. Dammit. None the less, it still is wonderful when they come in town at this time of year. The girls get a day or two to play with each other and its like they just pick up where they left off. I see them growing into great friends one day.

Tomorrow will be Christmas with my side of the family, this should be exciting. Rather than standard turkey or ham for Christmas dinner, we take a different route.The menu will be wine, lasagna, wine, salad, wine, french bread, wine, cheese cake (home made, not that jello no bake shit) baileys and egg nog, apple and cherry pie, maybe some coffee and to top it off... and a nice glass of wine.  My mother makes an incredible lasagna... better than mine (I'm not sure how though). I have a feeling I will probably be the only one drinking wine. So at least I will be having fun or think I am, and in the meantime keep the rest of the family entertained with my shenanigans.

The parents decided this year that since the sister and her husband and two kids in tow would be with his parents for Christmas they would take a small vacation to Tampa. Not unusual for them at all. My father was an only child and my mother's brother, I so lovingly call him, never had any need to spend time with us unless he needed money or a free ride. So we spent several holidays on vacation. Loved it! Orlando was always my favorite. Husband and I spent our Christmas with his family on the eve since his mother, a nurse, had to work on Christmas day. I hate that she has to do it, but its part of the job.

I hope next year I can have all of the family (pray for me) over to our house. That would be a total of 21 people, I think? Wait, did I really say I wanted everyone at my house? What the hell am I thinking? I need to start cleaning now to satisfy my OCD'ness before everyone gets here next year. Seriously.

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