Friday, December 10, 2010

tis the season...

to be freezin...

Baby its cold outside!

I'm not a big holiday person, so to say, but I try. Many years ago my family had a devastating Christmas with the loss of an amazing woman, on top of all that we had a just a little family drama. I won't get into details because its nobodys business but in all it wasn't good for the holiday spirit. At all...

Since then I have felt like the holidays were tainted for me. I never get excited about putting up the tree, putting out decorations, making cookies or any of that stuff. Having a 5 yr old and a 2 year old, I've got to get past that some day. I have tried really hard since we had kids to get excited but it seems like it gets worse every year. The thing that I can't get past is my attitude. I am so bitter this time of year. No matter what I try to do to get in the spirit, I just can't get over it. I try to have a positive outlook, but its to the point that I can't get ahead no matter what I do.

We have tried to make a family tradition of champagne and Christmas music while we put up the tree... I usually end up drunk and raising hell because the Husband hands me the ornaments too fast... gotta have time to place them, or he won't get up and help hang ornaments (usually because I bitch because he did it wrong). Don't blame me, its the alcohol. That right there makes it even more fun... yippee! Then the next few days is filled with me raising more hell because 1. I just got over a killer hangover, 2. the kids won't keep their hands out of the tree 3. I, for some reason, try to rationalize with myself that I need more Christmas decorations in the house. Why? I'm not really sure, maybe it will make me like the commercial part of the holiday more, I don't know. Never the less... I end up sending us bankrupt since we are already broke at the Dollar General buying pointless little knick knacs that could otherwise be viewed as JUNK. Yep.

The next part is even better... that couple of hundred bucks I spent on kid 1 and kid 2... tossed aside for the wrapping paper and then off to the grandparents to see what else they can get their hands on. It just really chaps my you know whatta that all she wanted last year was a video game, so we got it, and right now I think it's under her bed... seriously. But alas Santa dearest will come through this year yet again and get that top pick on her list. This year Baby Alive, the one that eats. Wonder how long she will play with that one. I'm kinda excited to see what it really eats. Plastic maybe?

Who cares anyway right? Christmas is not about exchanging gifts and seeing who paid more that who for what. Its about the BIRTH OF JESUS! I don't understand how we ended up with a Santa... oh yea it was Woolsworth wasn't it. I would rather people show this much joy and happiness all year long. My sister says ... and I quote:

Uhmmmm Santa is actually a commercialized version of Saint Nicholas that visited poor children and brought them gifts during the Advent season (the 4 weeks before Christmas).  So, there is actually a reason for Santa… a historical reason.  Just thought you might get a kick out of that

Thanks Jojo for clearing that up for me... much love

Next weekend is the kid's birthday, going to put the tree up after that. I took my time, but I wanted to make sure the oldest kiddo got to enjoy her birthday 100%.


Jo Jo said...

Better stay warm!!! I luvs you!

Rosalind said...

I luvs you too!

Jo Jo said...

Love the Santa pic... Where did you get it!!!!

Rosalind said...

just searched santa in yahoo and clicked on images link... it was there.

Angel Court Jewels... said...

This picture is the best!!! Hope Santa doesn't get frost bite.
