Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Come on 2011, I'm ready.

I think I'm ready... I'm not really sure.

I have compiled a list of lessons I've learned in 2010. I figured that putting it on "paper" will help me to remember the lessons I've learned and maybe keep me from making the same mistakes again. We will see.

1. Never take your family for granted

2. Call Mom at least every other day, she gets irritated if you don't but won't say anything about it.

3. Call your sister back even if you don't feel up to it. Just tell her you don't feel like talking. She will understand. That's her job.

4. Eat lunch with a friend on a regular basis.

5. Make new friends, you don't know when the old ones will decide to move on.

6. Keep your guard up... to a point

7. Life is not all happy and shiny. There are moments where it is covered in mud. I hope other people learn this as well.

8. The kids really cherish the time you hang out and watch movies. They will remember it.

9. A simple "hey, how are ya" means more to some people than you think.

10. Some people really don't care and those people are the ones you don't need in your life.

11. The husband is trying and you need to let him

12. Never run out of hair spray

13. Always keep your "color" under the sink, roots have a way of sneaking up on you.

14. Be honest with people about how you feel. The ones that love you and that are really your friends, won't mind because they know they can do the same with you.

15. You must wax the eyebrows every two weeks. Regardless if you think you need it or not... no need to run around town looking like a wooly booger.

16. If you let your plants freeze... they will die. No hope, no resurrection... dead.

17. there is no cleaning fairy.... sad but true

18. Some of the best friends you meet will be the people you work with. Most days you spend more time with them than you do with your own family.

19. People will surprise you, in good ways and bad.

20. never have a "discussion" over text messages. It always gets taken out of context.

21. Women are the most cunning and evil member of the cat family.

22.  If your friends hide something from you, they are not really your friends. Even if they thought they needed to spare your feelings. What else could they be hiding... something to ponder.

23. If you see something and you think its wrong, speak up then... don't wait and let it get out of hand. Comment if you need an example... I have plenty.

24. If you take the time to call people, but they don't do the same... they are not really your friend so quit wasting your time an energy on someone who won't do the same.

25. Take the time to say Thank you to your friends for being your friends. They really appreciate it.

26. It is NEVER too early in the morning to have chocolate.

27. Get a pedicure at the beginning of sandal season. Please don't let your junky toes hang out.

28. Its never too late to say I'm sorry.

29. Kids never forget anything

30. Save your money... you will need it eventually. Don't buy anything you don't need.

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