Thursday, December 9, 2010

vanity part deux...

So I decided to take down the huge ass photo of me that I had posted at the top of the blog... I guess I got tired of looking at my cleavage every time I viewed my blog... Ha! Maybe I got tired of everyone looking at my cleavage. Who knows, but I have a nice pink swirly thing at the top now, so nah.

I started watching people to see just how vain they really are. Its amazing. We should always put our best foot forward, but at some point in time you have to say enough.

vain adj \`van\ : having or showing undue or excessive pride in one's appearance or achievements : conceited

I've come to know some people that really take this to a whole new level. I'm proud of my accomplishments and I feel like I'm an attractive woman, but at no point in time have I gone around bragging about things... well, I brag about my lasagna even though its nothing special. For instance, I met a man the other day that reagardless of what you have done, he has done it too and did it better, made more money, impressed more people, did it bigger. Really? Who cares!

Be proud of what you have accomplished in your life, but don't make other people feel inadequate by putting them in your shadow. We all came into this world the same way. 9 months of a nice warm spot and the he said "let there be light". I know that there are a few of you that have a little bit of a different story, but still in the end we all were created equal in God's eyes.

Love each other and have peace in your heart

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