Monday, August 1, 2011

The Sleeping Arrangement

I don't sleep... but to be able to get a couple of hours at night I've got to have everything just perfect before I can relax enough to get an hour or two. If you look at my list of Secrets and Lies you will see that I have a small little OCD obsession with my bed. I don't know what triggered it, but it didn't happen until after I moved out on my own.

I have to make sure the sheets, blankets, comforter .... everything is just "so" before I can get comfortable and rest. Sheets must be tucked in and straight. The bedspread must be straight on the bed... and my quilt... has to be laid just the right way lined up with the bedspread. I know it's crazy. I also have to use 3 pillows. One firm for the base pillow, a soft one for my head and then I have my squishy pillow that I have to throw my arm over when I'm sleeping on my side.

When I first get in the bed, I have to pull every thing up one by one... sheet, bedspread, then quilt... make sure they are where I want them and then... I kind of wiggle down in to my spot, and I rub my feet together. I don't get over on my side until sometime during the night. I can't have anything or anyone touching me either. Forget snuggling. I will snuggle for a few minutes, but then when I'm ready to go to sleep I have to do my little routine to get comfortable. Laying on my back, I fold my hands together, sorta like they place a person in a coffin. I must look like I'm dead when I'm trying to sleep. It has to be perfectly silent... not even the radio. I left my watch out on my dresser one night and I couldn't go to sleep or get slightly comfortable because I could hear it ticking. I can hear a mouse fart in the house... it can be quite annoying.

When I was pregnant both times it was really bad because I had to sleep on my left side and I just can't get comfortable that way. I've tried over the years to fall asleep like that but for some reason I can't do it. No matter what I try.

Whats even worse... sometimes when I'm really restless, I have to stick my right foot out from under the covers, hang it off the bed and wiggle it. This really gets on Buck's nerves since it shakes the whole bed. It's something I did with the kids when they were little to help them sleep... and my Mom did it with me when I was small. Its a comfort thing... soothing.

I don't know what brought me to this. I used to be able to sleep anywhere, but now it's gotten down to the fact I can't sleep anywhere except in my bed in my spot with the covers just like I want them. I've got to be really tired to fall asleep on the couch or something. Even when we have gone camping, I've got to set my sleeping area just so or I won't sleep the entire time we are gone. Not that I sleep that good anyway, but I do need a couple of hours to keep from completely going insane.


Justlittlecajunme said...

That was interesting. MyLove always has to pull the sheet at the corners to make them snug. However, I am not able to fall asleep on my back unless my legs are bent AND crossed at my knees. It drove my ex crazy because it would pull the sheets. I always associated it with me having to be flat on my back for a long length of time when I was a kid.

stephanie said...

too funny! I'm your polar opposite- I can sleep anywhere. leave me {my hubs is the same way!!} just about anywhere and I can squeeze in a nap :)

Rosalind said...

even last night the hubs was complaining for me to get situated so he could go to bed.

TheUnSoccerMom said...

you make me feel really good about myself! lol

at least you're consistent! I change daily... sometimes I need the TV, sometimes I have to have it quiet, sometimes I need all the covers on top of me, sometimes I can't have anything touching me... I'm the Sybil of going to sleep... ;o)

Rosalind said...

girl... last night no matter what I did I couldn't go to sleep. I was all over the place.