Monday, August 8, 2011

A day or two in the life...

#1 had her first day of Kindergarten... and do you think she wanted to tell me about it? Well... no. Of course not. She was not in the least bit interested in telling me about her first day of school. That is until last night at 9:00 when it's time for bed.

The school made this great notebook for her "homework" assignments, teachers notes and communications, reading words... etc. While I was going through her notebook last night to make sure I had every thing signed and ready to go back to school today she decided that it was time to work on every assignment that was in the book.. reading her ABC list, writing her letters, things like that. She is so smart. It amazes me the things she picks up on. Such a fast learner.

Over the weekend #2 decided to run a small fever. Not exactly sure why, but she was back to her normal self on Sunday afternoon... full of "piss and vinegar". The child really is a handful. I don't know how to describe her except she is terrible two's mixed with spoiled rotten and a little temper tantrum mixed in. I follow her around the house threatening her with my flip flop most days. She hasn't gotten it yet and she doesn't want to ... so it works for now.

As for me, I tried to clean house. It literally looks like it should be on that show Clean House or Hoarders. It has gotten so bad. If you have small kids you know what I'm talking about. Trying to clean your house when you have kids present is like brushing your teeth and eating oreo's at the same time. So I've decided to take a day of vacation this week so I can get the house sort of clean. I need to do laundry and clean the kids room. I also need to empty the junk room so we can set it back up as a guest/playroom. I don't want to tackle that mess. Anyone want to help? Free beer! You think I'm joking? I'm serious.

Cleaning the room out also involves doing a complete inventory of my maternity wardrobe so I can put it on eBay.... unless anyone knows of anyone that wants to invest in a complete wardrobe. Pants, dresses, shirts, casual wear, wear to work, swim suits, etc. It has to go and it has to go NOW. Most everything is a size Large. Send me an email if interested and we can work something out.

I know I'm blabbering on but I really just haven't had time to sit down and talk about regular stuff lately.

Other than that... there really isn't anything going on out at the Plantation. No new animals. No stray kids have shown up. My neighbor did bring over some fresh squash yesterday... I've get to go to his house tomorrow and pick a mess of peas. No fun, but I've been craving some fresh purple hull peas and these are as fresh as I can get them. We didn't plant peas this year. Just tomatoes, squash, cucumber and okra.


That's about it. Hope you all have a wonderful Monday. Sorry about the babbling. Until next time, enjoy this cute kitty...


Justlittlecajunme said...

Babble all you want! It's your blog after all :).

My BabyGirl (who is now a COLLEGE student) did the same thing to me. Would not say one word.

I learned and my advice to you is be patient. Let her go to you because more you try to get anything out of her, she'll close down more. She'll end up telling you everything in HER own time.

AiringMyLaundry said...

Oh my gosh, the cat picture is hilarious!

The Angry Lurker said...

Same to you, interesting read again.

TheUnSoccerMom said...

#2 may give you a run for your money as she gets older! Mine had the terrible threes, then the "terribles" went dormant until she hit 15! haha

Fresh peas... yummo! And I'm dying for some fried squash!! :o)

Leslie Moon said...

I always ask my kids how their day at school was and I am lucky to get a "good" out of them! And, I know exactly what you mean about the house. Sometimes I wonder if people know that civilized humans actually live in our house.

stephanie said...

fresh peas sound amazing! that's one of the things I miss most about home!

Unknown said...

This entire blog could have been written by me except my kids are boys instead of girls. I am there with you on the threats except I have a paint stick instead of a flip flop and my boys have both felt it. I live in the danger zone of a house I can't clean, and I refuse to take a vacation because I don't want to clean! I feel your pain. I'd love the free beer, but not enough to help. I hope my sympathy is enough, friend, 'cause that's all you're getting from me. But I still love ya!

Rosalind said...

Cajun - Thanks

WhisperingWriter - I thought so too

Angry Lurker - Thank you

Mom - I hope we get past it soon

Leslie - She will tell her Mamaw and Nana, but not me

stephanie - I could ship you some?

Angel - Thanks I think? Love ya too!