Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Wednesday Funnies

A litte something to help you get past "hump" day... enjoy

Submitted by my friend Johnnie, an email he forwarded to me... Thanks!

Random letters....

Dear Noah,
We could have sworn you said the ark wasn't leaving till 5.

Dear Twilight fans,
Please realize that because vampires are dead and have no blood pumping through them, they can never get an erection.
Enjoy fantasizing about that.

Dear Icebergs,
Sorry to hear about the global warming. Karma's a ####.
The Titanic

Dear Yahoo,
I've never heard anyone say, "I don't know, let's Yahoo! it..." just saying...

Dear 2010,
So I hear the best rapper is white and the president is black? What happened?!

Dear Windshield Wipers,
Can't touch this.
That Little Triangle

Dear iPhone,
Please stop spellchecking all of my rude words into nice words. You piece of shut.
Every iPhone User

Dear girls who have been dumped,
There are plenty of fish in the sea... Just kidding! They're all dead.

Dear jf;ldsfa/kvsmmklnn,
Please lknvfdmv.xvn.
Sincerely, Stevie Wonder

Dear Nickleback,
That's enough.
Sincerely, The World

Dear Skin-Colored Band Aids,
Please make one for every skin color.
Sincerely, Black people

Dear Scissors,
I feel your one wants to run with me either.
Sincerely, Sarah Palin

Dear Osama Bin Laden,
Sincerely, United States

Dear World of Warcraft,
Thank you for ensuring my son's virginity.
Sincerely, Parents Everywhere

Dear Anne Frank,
Two can play this game....
Sincerely, Waldo

Dear Customers,
Yes, we ARE making fun of you in Vietnamese.
Sincerely, Nail Salon Ladies

Dear Ugly People,
You're welcome.
Sincerely, Alcohol

Dear Mr. Gump
What are you talking about? There's a little diagram on the lid that
tells you EXACTLY what you're gonna get....
Sincerely, Jenny

Dear Haiti ,
Is it too early to ask what's shakin'?
Seriously Going To Hell

Dear Man,
It's cute, but can you pick up peanuts with it?


NANCY said...

Thanks for the funnies. That just made my day!!


I'm your newest follower and hope you'll follow me back at

Joy said...

I love your wednesday funnies! Just like I love your blog! =)

Rosalind said...

Thank you Joy, love your blog as well. You are one classy chick!

Thank you Nancy, following you back as well.

Have a great day!

SherilinR said...

hahaha! i love the iphone piece of shut one. and the going to hell for the haiti joke. you so funny.

Rosalind said...

Thanks Sherilin, I couldn't pass up posting when I saw it.

AiringMyLaundry said...

I LOVED the picture.

And the letters.

Oilfield Trash said...

This was all kinds of hilarious.

Rosalind said...

@ Whispering - I had a "cat" that thought he was human... I had to post it.

@ OT - Glad I could make you laugh, maybe you won't be so pissed off all the time.

Rosalind said...

@ Ot, well.. you're not pissed off all the time :D

stephanie said...

The twilight one about made me wet my pants! :)

Laura_Gutierrez said...

very funny
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