Thursday, April 14, 2011

What is love... Silent but Deadly

I'm sure some of you read What is Love, which is an actual event that happened with the Hubby and I. I had a few people comment that I needed to make a "Fart Award", so I did...

I now present to you my friends..... The SBD Award..... ta-daa. I now officially bestow this great honor on my dear sweet husband for his effort to keep our home smelling .... like roses. Thank you my love. Since he has no blog I will post his award here for all to envy. However, since this is my award to present, that means I get to make up the rules as well. I embarrassed myself, with my What is Love post, so It's his turn.

If you are awarded the SBD award, please be kind... tell us your most embarrassing moment of flatulence, or you may embarrass a family member, and include your award.  Just as long as you don't embarrass me (ok Jojo?). This is my first time so if I screwed it up please let me know... hehe. I'm just kinda winging it here. Pass the award on to five fellow bloggers that you think might be Silent But Deadly.


Additional award Recipients:

SherlinR from laughing my abs off  - thanks for the inspiration for the award

Jo Jo from Time for Me  - my sweet sister who helped cheer along the idea

Midwestern Mama Holly from Are You Serious  - for making me feel welcome in the great big blog world

Oilfield Trash from Make Daddy A Sammich  - thanks for pushing me over 10 followers, and I'm curious if there is a 10% theory in hiding.


My story isn't a very long one, but I thought it was quite funny. #2 had gone to bed already so the Husband and I were hanging out with #1 watching a little TV and talking, #1 says... "daddy, tell me a story" at which point he starts to ad lib a little, I don't know to what, but here it goes or my best interpretation of it. #1's input will be in pink :)

Once upon a time, there was a little Princes and her name was Princess #1 (of course we used her full name). She lived in a castle high in the sky with her Mommy and Daddy the Queen and King. One day the Queen came home and told Princess #1 that there would be a new baby arriving soon and Princess #1 was soooo happy. No she wasn't she was mad hahahahaha. No she was happy. Ok. So the King and Queen had to think of a name for the new baby princess that would be arriving soon. giggle Then one day the baby princess arrived and Princess #1 was so happy, no she wasn't she was maaaad hahahahaha Princess #1 was so happy and she played with Princess #2 all the time. giggle Princess #2 started to grow and grow, I want to have long hair like Rapunzel Ok, and Princess #1 had long golden hair, just like Rapunzel. giggle One day Princess #2 was bigger so much bigger than Princess #1 and she was angry that Princess #1 picked on her all the time, so she picked her up by the ankles and tried to throw her out of the castle in the sky (at this point he has her picked up in the air by her feet as she screams with laughter) NOOOOO then Princess #2 throws Princess #1 in the gas chamber. screaming a squealing laughter (and he tosses her into the recliner and proceeds to fart on her head). The End.
Thank you, thank you very much. My story telling skills are not all that they are cracked up to be, but I had to do the best I could from what little of the story I remember.

 Love you honey! Thanks for making it fun.


Jo Jo said...

Thanks sis for the award - my first award. The DH is going to ROFL when he reads this one!!! Now, I have to come up with a story and I can't embarrass you... guess I'll have to get the DH!!!! ROFLMAO

Unknown said...

Oh thank you so much!! My most embarrassing farting moment huh? WoW there are so many to choose from.. but I will!!
Thanks again SOOO much!!

Oilfield Trash said...

Oh wow, thank you very much.

I will have to post about this sometime next week.

Joy said...

WOW... Terry would get this award in a heart beat. Poor thing - you can say the honeymoon stage is over for us. Now he thinks it's fun to give me a "dutch oven." If you need me to explain it to you - just let me know. But trust me, if anyone ever asks if you want one - RUN!!!!

SherilinR said...

wow, i was the inspiration! i've written so many fart stories already, i'm not sure anyone wants to hear them anymore, but i might just have one more up my sleeve. well, maybe not up my sleeve, cuz it's hard to store them there.

SherilinR said...

here ya go!

Rosalind said...

@ JoJo - I figured you would enjoy this at someone's expense.

@ Holly - I can't wait to see what you come up with, you always keep me laughing.

@ OT - I hope I get to see some 10% theory :)

@ Joy - I'm scared to ask what the "dutch oven" is but, please share haha!

@ Sherilin - Thanks girl! You put the idea in my head, I appreciate you playing along ;)