Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Verstile Blogger.... impressive, I know!

Two awards in one week, I am feelin high on life, love, and popularity!

I was recently awarded The Versatile Blogger award by Joy from Confessions from a Southern Socialite. You should really check out her blog, she is super creative and full of blog energy! I love reading her post for great decorating ideas to fun things going on in the community. Thanks Joy!

Having received this great award, I have to follow the rules that have been put in place to pass it along.

1. Thank and link to the person who nominated you.
2. Share seven facts about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to 7 bloggy friends.
4. Contact those bloggy friends to congratulate them.

Seven amazing and wonderful facts about Rosie

1. I love my hair, it is long straight and dark auburn.... last week I decided to jazz it up by adding two red skittles to my hair. Not Skittles the candy.... a skittle is a colored hair extension, pink, red, purple, yellow, lime green. I have Red since that is one of my favorite colors and I have always wanted to have bright red highlights in my hair.

2. I have two beautiful little girls with blond curly hair, they get if from their daddy. #1 is 5 years old and #2 is 2. They are the love of my life. Both girls were born by cesarean in December. #1 was emergency and #2 was planned. Their birthdays are 2 weeks apart... one the week before Christmas an the other the week after. December is crazy at my house.

3. I have insomnia. Every night I wake up at 12:00, 1:00 a.m. and again around 2:00. I am usually up for about 30 minutes because  once I'm awake it takes forever for me to go back to sleep.. If I don't wake up during the night it is very hard for me to get out of bed in the morning. I haven't figured that one out yet.

4. I LOVE to eat crawfish, but only if the husband cooks or my bestie's hubby. I have been spoiled so bad by their cooking, I am very prejudice to other crawfish. Plus, no one else knows how to make coon'ass dip to go with  my taters.

5. I weigh more than I look... lots more. I'm bigger than I look too... couple of weeks ago, my husband put on a pair of my shorts and they fit. The husband is 6'2" and weighs in at 240. I'm only 5'7". I will not reveal my true size and weight, but I promise you wouldn't believe me if I did tell you... for reals yo.

6. When I nap... I hum in my sleep.... not like a song or anything, reminds you more of Ben Stein's monotone voice from Ferris Beuler's Day Off. It's one long loud continuous sound. The husband says its kinda the same sound of Locust, or a weed whacker.

7. I have an unhealthy obsession with sour stuff. I've noted this on the Secrets 'n' Lies page, but for reals yo. I love sour stuff. I like Cry Baby Gum, Warheads, Sour Punch Straws, and the list goes on. Please give me some sour candy with an ice cold Sun Drop!!! And it gets worse... If I need to really get my sour fix, I will eat a lemon with salt followed up with a cold Coke... talk about indigestion.
Now, I've got to pass this on to 7 bloggy friends

Please check out these blogs as well as Confessions from a Southern Socialite for some really great reading!


Oilfield Trash said...

Congrats on the award!!!!

I loved the 7 things about you. Especially the crawfish one.

Oh and have I told you that I often stop in your town on my way to Atlanta. Your town has a little shopping center that me and my kids stop to eat at because it is the first place that has a Chicfila between my house and Atlanta where we get hungry at.

SherilinR said...

i want to think that i weigh more than i look. that's what my sister says, (one of the few who knows the real number) and she says i don't look as fat as i sound. though, somewhat less rudely than that.
fun with the skittles! can you clip them in & out? i've always wanted to play with those, but i've been thinking i'm too old for blue highlights anymore.

stephanie said...

Thanks for the award!! And mmmm now I'm CRAVING some crawfish desperately :)

Rosalind said...

@ OT - thanks! I think you mentioned before that you drive through MTown. Great place to stop and rest.

@ Sherilin - actually these are put in with a metal bead so they stay in as long as I like. Best thing I like is when I get ready for them to be gone, I can take them out and don't have to worry about coloring my hair.

@ Stephanie - glad I could help... going to have bugs today as a matter of fact... jealous?

Justlittlecajunme said...

Congrats on the awards! OOh love crawfish!

TheUnSoccerMom said...

Thank you for my award! You're awesome! :o)

and guess what??

You're a winner!! Go to my blog for more details. :o)

Rosalind said...

YAY! I love it!!! I can't wait!

AiringMyLaundry said...

Congrats on your award and thanks for sharing with me!!

Jo Jo said...

Thanks for the aware, sis! I'd give you my share of crawfish, but you know da' hubby and boys. Gotta have my shrimp.

Love yas!

May said...

Congrats on the award,found your blog through hopping and am now your follower pls visit my blog too and i look forward in reading more of your beautiful post.thanks.

Al Penwasser said...

I'm lovin' me a mess of crawfish!

Rosalind said...

Thanks Al!