Monday, April 4, 2011

Sin City, never been

This week over at S30P the writing prompt is Las Vegas. I really don't have much input, since I've never been but I have something in mind I think you will enjoy. Oh and by the way... if you are not already, got over to S30P and join up. It's a great networking site for Thirty-something bloggers.

I've never been to Las Vegas, never had any need or desire to. Right after the husband and I got married he was sent over for a work thingy with Firestone, but I got to stay home... how exciting. He wasn't impresses, but there isn't much that does impress him anyway. He is more of a logical left brain kind of guy. He would rather know how they wired up the lights, but I would rather just see them

I had always thought that I'd want to go, but after watching several seasons of CSI, I think I'm gonna keep my rear in good old Mississippi rather than chance being attacked in broad daylight and sold into slavery by some Romanian mobsters. Yeah, that shit really happens and it would happen to me... everything happens to me.

But there is one thing that when I think of Las Vegas that pops in my head... Clair de Lune by Debussy

Yeah, I'm a classical music nut anyway. I played the piano from the time I was six untill I was out of High School. My teacher's both did not believe in learning secular music... only classical. So I never learned how to play Stairway to Heaven or anything cool like that. I learned Clair De Lune, Moonlight Sonata, and Rondo Alla Turca. So, I didn't learn Claire De Lune all the way, but I'm still working on it and I will have it mastered... just wait.

Back to my story...  Remember when Ocean's 11 came out? Well of course I didn't see it until way after it had come out on DVD ( I never go to the movies) and there was one scene, just one, that burnt a moment in my mind. The only reason I would ever want to go to Las Vegas in the first place.

Remember the end where they are all leaving, one by one, and Claire de Lune is playing in the background.... you get a glipse of the fountain show every now and then. I would show that scene, but I don't need to see all the guys trot off into the great unknow... I want to see the Bellagio Fountains water show.

yep.... I am a sucker for pretty stuff like that. I've seen the laser show at Epcot, I cry when I see fireworks. By the way the 4th of July Fireworks show over here is pretty awesome because they usually have the Symphony Playing the Overture of 1812. I love that kind of stuff. If I could just fly over there for the show and come right home... I think I would be cool with that.


Avalon Cat Cartoons said...

Thank you for taking the time to visit and follow my blog. I'm here to return the favor ;-) Have a lucky week!

Rosalind said...

Thank you! Same to you.

Joy said...

We drove, yep, DROVE to Vegas in 2007 and just let me tell the 2000 miles to get there was one I will not do again. I flew back!! I went with my parents (not sure if that was a mistake or not) and we spent all day touring and slept at night. Vegas doesn't function that way... Vegas sleeps during the day and Parties all night. IF I go back, I plan to do a little of both!

Rosalind said...

Joy, there is no way I would drive. My parents would, not me. So I probably will never go. I'm not a big night life person anyway so I probably would be better to go back to Disney.

Oilfield Trash said...

I have always wanted to go there but just can't afford it.

Rosalind said...

yesh... it definately cost a pretty penny.