Thursday, March 24, 2011

my chest is gonna explode


Oh my, it will get you every time. I don't handle stressful situations well at all. This entire last two weeks has been nothing but stress for me. Between sick kids and people acting like children, who could blame me for actually hurting... yes... hurting all over.

The husband tried to be nice and rub my shoulders last night at it brought me to my knees when he tried.

So... Why don't I handle stress well.... you ask? I haven't figured that out. I don't like for people to be ticked off, I don't like to tick people off. I want everyone happy, but there comes a point when I just can't take any more. At this moment in time though, I am just riding out the storm a little longer. I'm just praying the problem away... Looks like its working.

The kiddos (both) were sick last week. #1 woke up on Wednesday morning running a 101 fever and crying her ear hurt.... nice. The ear tube fell out of that ear last November, didn't take long for an inner ear infection to set in. To top it off, the inner ear infection gave her nausea so every time we got in the truck she told me she was going to throw up. I make everyone car sick... I suck at driving. I figured she didn't have any type of stomach virus since she ate 2 donuts from Chance 'n' Dooley’s (they put the Krispy Kreme to shame) and a huge glass of O.j.  #1 and I finish off our visit in town with a trip through the drive through at Chicken Nuggets a.k.a. Chick-fil-A, and head to Hicksville for the afternoon. She must have felt bad since she ate 4 nuggets, no fries and then proceeded to take a 3 hour nap. Thursday everyone is going to school, Kid #1 is on the mend. Kid #2 looks fine... she's not. The school calls around 9:30, I need to come get her... something is wrong. Seriously? She has Fifth's Disease. Yeah, I said the same thing... WTH is that? Apparently it is a contagious viral rash and that's it. No fever, no cough, nothing... just a rash. Anyhow, since she was contagious she couldn't go back until Monday. So much fun.

I did manage to get the house clean while I was home with Kid #2, she's pretty good about letting me do my thang when it’s just the two of us. Add in a little Husband and a dash of Kid #1 and it all goes down the crapper at my house.

So with dealing with sick kids, I had to inform my friends that were coming over Saturday night to enter at their own risk, I would not buy any hydrocortisone cream or pay any Dr. bills. That was fine with them. We played dominoes, again, and had a blast, as always. Great time to get your mind off the day to day BS. We ate way too much food... yummy. I was shocked however to see Bo walk in the door, he didn't look like the same person... He went from looking like Grizzly Adams to normal in a week... amazing what a set of clippers and a razor will do for a man. I hate that we didn't get to teach them how to play Canasta.. but I ordered a new deck of cards, they came in yesterday.... game on!

As for the rest of this week, on top of everything else... I'm starting to get sick. I've done well to ward off the sinus infection since November, but it’s been tough. For those of you that know me, I have a horrible chase of chronic sinusitis. I usually come down with the crud at least 2 times a year... sometimes 3, and it takes about a month to get over. So far I have not gotten to full blown nastiness but I feel a good one coming on this time.

Oh yeah... and my house is a wreck... again. GAH! I'm really getting tired of the cleaning fairy being on vacation. Messy house is definitely one of my little stress factors. My house and work... I really try not to let these two things get to me but now and then they do. I love my job, I really do...  but sometimes I feel like everyone depends on me just a little too much around there. That's ok though, its part of the job.

Ahhhh.... much better.... I knew when I started to finally get rid of the writer’s block and talk I would start to feel some relief. Thanks for letting me rant and rave just a little, sometimes you just gotta let it out. I have got a couple of work out DVD's and got the jogging stroller, I know that if I will get my patooty motivated and get out there and do it, some of my stress will just magically disappear, but I lack some motivation. Motivation... yet another topic for another day, but something else that is effected by stress.


shan said...

Hope you get to feeling better! I heart you. Would love to get together sometime. Just us girls...

Joy said...

Hope the family gets better and your stress eases up. I do understand and if I can just get through tomorrow, I think my stress might ease up a bit. Looks like another sleepless night for me again tonight. =(

SherilinR said...

facebook has oozed its way into all sorts of life's facets. weird. and people will write all kinds of things on their walls & then be annoyed cuz you've seen it. uhhhhhmm, it's public!
i hope it passes quickly & you don't get a butt-kicking sinus infection.

Rosalind said...

@ Shan - We really do need to plan some time together and do something. Lets talk over the weekend and plan a date.

@ Joy - You can do it girl, you rock!

@ Sherilin - Thanks girl, Sinus infecteion averted but Kid #1 has now shown up with a mysterious rash that is different from Kid #2's. ugh!