Monday, March 21, 2011

And the award goes to...

(drum roll)

*****     Mr. HelloRosie     *****

Yep, I am awarding the hubby with the most prestigious award out there, Best Husband Ever Award. For reals yo'...

The husband is awesome. We just recently finished reading The 5 Love Languages together. I was amazed that he took the time to read a book for me. I think he only did it because our Preacher told him to, but he did it and I'm happy about it.

If you have been married 1 year or 20 I suggest you go out, buy a copy for you, one for your spouse, read the book, apply it to your life, and pass one copy on to another couple. It will renew your marriage in a way you never knew was possible. I won't give you all the awesome details of the book, you need to read it. No, it is not a Kama Sutra or anything kinky like that. It will teach you how to love your spouse the way they need to be loved... emotionally. We all respond to love in different ways. Since we read the book, things are even better than before and they get better every day. I honestly don't think we have had a major disagreement since the very first of the year... and that is quite an accomplishment for us. To help strengthen our communication skills we have been reading a daily bible devotional for couples. So no matter what... every day... we have time together, without the kids and t.v. to reflect on God's word and our relationship with each other. I'm blessed that have that time with him. A year ago... I thought we would have been divorced by now. I think that our problems last year was probably the best thing that could have ever happened to us. We were determined to make it work and we have.

So, back to the whole award thingy. I wanted to thank my husband for being such a great support in my life. Thank you for doing your job and being a super husband. Thank you for taking the time to listen to me when I'm upset. Thank you for helping me to find humor in ugly situations. Thank you for helping me with the kids and the house. And most of all... Thank you for being a part of my life.

It got ugly there for a while, but we're back on track... and I think you're pretty awesome for that ;)


AiringMyLaundry said...

What a nice award for your husband.

I don't think my husband and I could do that book. We're really not mature enough and tend to giggle when books ask us to list things we love about one another.

Rosalind said...

I promise... there was alot of giggling going on at our house, but it was worth it.

Oilfield Trash said...

I don't think that book would have helped me and my ex wife. She is a brain dead frigid woman who is colder than the south pole.

Rosalind said...

@ Oilfield - I was just like that about a year ago. It took a lot more than the book, but the book was icing on the cake.

SherilinR said...

i've heard lots of good things about that book. i'm glad you guys have read it & come out the other end whole & happy. =)

shan said...

I guess that's my next read. I <3 u chicka!

Rosalind said...

I promise it is worth the read.