Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I had to, sorry...

I am really getting tired of listening to him hack and cough all night so I made threats to put it on lock down if he didn't go to the Dr. to get healed up. Rarely does the hubby ever get sick so when it happens, it can be pretty bad. This morning he had fever.

Our walk in clinic/doctor starts seeing patients at 1:00, but you need to show up around 12:00 to get a good spot in line and to keep you from waiting forfreakinever. Good luck during flu season, chances are you could be there until the supper bell rings.

So, I get a text from the sweet suffering hubby and I just had to share our conversation...

Him: Sitting at docs this girl across from me has some big feet makes urs look smaaaaallll

Me: LOL. Thank you for making a swamp foot reference

Him: You don't have nothin on this girl

Me: Really? That big?

Him: She is wearing ballet looking shoes and they r huge

Me: haha! Is she huge?

Him: looks tall sitting down, not heavy

Me: So are they abnormal huge? or just BIG?

Him: They are almost the same size as mine

Him: Wide and flat too

Him: By looking at 12 in tile on floor, they are almost 12 in long

Me: Wow!

Me: I feel better knowing there is someone out there like me

Him: LOL

Me: Does she at least have on cute shoes?

Him: She just got called back, she was tall, shoes black.

So, there is the end to it. For you that don't know me I wear a size 9 1/2 wide... completely flat footed. My husband and I have had a running joke calling me names like swamp foot and freak, and that I could ski barefoot. I have no arch, when I walk barefoot on concrete my feet make a slap sound. I can't buy all the cute shoes, I have to pick and choose carefully the style I wear because my feet will flood over the edges. Flip flops are my friend and the only athletic shoes I can wear that will not hurt is New Balance. I make sure I get a regular pedicure even if I do it myself for fear that if I have ghet-toes I will be banned from public places because of my freak skis.

I am by no means making fun of this person, but it's nice to know once in a while that I'm not the only one out there that will never be a foot model.


SherilinR said...

i have sz 9 feet too. sometimes even bigger if the shoe's wrong. and i can't wear flip flops cuz my toes are spread out enough that my pinkie toes would hang over the sides & that's just nasty. and my big toe is BIG. we call it my hammer toe.
no wonder you & i need to wear the huge hooker heels!

Rosalind said...

I knew we had a connection! Yeah, my feet are crazy, my pinky toe looks like a jelly bean.

Jo Jo said...

Oh you are such freaks! I swear I still love you - haha! Swamp feet and all :) And your feet are no worse than mine, but oh wait! We have the same gene pool - or is it jean pool

Love you lots!

Rosalind said...

BWHAHAHAHA!!! Jojo... I'ts Gean pool, but I think our feet came from the Frank pool... LOL!