Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hamsters and Fish

My coworker has a birthday coming up so after careful deliberation on what gift I would purchase for her, I found a travel mug for her to use in her new car. Not anything super expensive but very cute. It says I'm drinking coffee; it's too early for wine, for anyone that knows her... this is a perfect fit for the avid Merlot drinker. Plus... I have horrible problem with holding gifts until the actual day has arrived.

I bring the gift in, nothing fancy, no fancy wrapping (I'm too cheap) and set the gift bag along with the mug inside on her desk. Her eyes light up and she starts to squeal, not like a pig squeal or anything, more like a 5th grad girl that just found out she's going to see the new Justin Beeber movie. So, I give her my scissors and let her open the box, and I swear this had to be the best birthday gift I have ever given. She loved it! Nothing like seeing a 40+ woman running around the office giggling and jumping up and down over a coffee cup.

The day went on, nothing else exciting happened, well... something exciting did happen but I will have to share that with you tomorrow <insert evil laugh>, and we all went home for the day in hopes that last nights snow would result in a snow day from work. That was a no go, but we can always wish right? The snow stared about 6:00 p.m. and continued on fairly heavy for about an hour and 1/2 at the house. Resulting in a nice dusting in the yard and about and inch to two of accumulation on the back porch. The husband summoned me to the back door to see the white stuff and then it hit me... I felt like a 10 year old kid again, but rather than freeze my ass off, I let the kids do it instead. The husband thought it was a good time to play a joke on Kid#1. Yeah, he tells her to go put on her coat and her boots (she has already gotten in her pj's for the night) and informs her that she has to sleep outside with Stash Kitty... she was not amused until she made it to the back door to see the snow.

So, while the husband and I watch in amusement from the back door as Kid#1 and Kid#2 stamp stomp and make snowballs I tell him about my coworkers reaction to her fabulous birthday present.

Me: I gave her the coffee mug today, you should have seen her face
Him: She liked it hunh?
Me: yeah, you should have seen her... she was jumping up and down giggling
Him: She even drink coffee?
Me: Like a fish!!!
Him: Like a fish? Does a fish drink coffee
Me: ugh <dirty look, rolling of the eyes>
Him: I don't guess I've ever heard anyone say a fish drinks coffee. How much coffee does a fish drink anyway?
Me: Look, I was just trying to spice up the conversation
Him: <blank stare>
Me: Whatever Kimosabe
Him: Why can't I be Tonto?

At that point I just laugh it off and try to drag the popsicles back into the house with a promise of plenty of fun outside IF we get to have a snow day. Snow days don't happen too often in Mississippi, but when they do it's always fun.

After repeating the conversation back this morning to a friend I learned that not only do fish drink coffee... they drink more than Hamsters.


Shanna said...

Love this one!!

Rosalind said...

Glad you enjoyed it!