Monday, November 15, 2010

c'mere deer part deux....

So we get the cards swapped out... and guess what I found. Yes, Mr. Deer decided he liked to have his picture taken. A nice 9 pt, 4 pt and a couple of does were captured about 10 feet from the new tree stand Glenn and I put out. I'm excited that he and I get to share this time together. He has been having a fit for us to hunt together. Now the big question is... When will we find time to go? I know he can find time and I can as well. But time together without the kids is kind of limited these days. I have no doubt in my mind that his Mom will take the girls now and then but I really want to go every weekend if I can. This will be my first year to sit in a tree since we had the kids. Not really a wise idea to shoot a gun when your pregnant or just had a baby.

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