Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tuesday Treats!

Joy from Confessions from a Southern Socialite tagged me in a post and I, of course, decided to follow the rules and tag others.

The Rules
1. post the rules
2. post 11 fun facts about yourself
3. answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create 11 new questions for the people you tag
4. tag 11 people and link them in your post
5. let them know you’ve “tagged” them

Facts about Me…

1. I will be hitting the big 35 mark this year.

2. I have lived in Mississippi my entire life with the exception of a short stint in 2001 where the city of Monroe, LA was graced with my presence for a year.

3. I have two amazing little girls ages three and six that I refer to as Thing 1 and Thing 2.

4 have found new comfort in an over sized leather chair in my new home. I think it has a magnetic attraction to my backside.

5. I am only as strong as the coffee I drink and the hairspray I use.

6. I am addicted to my iphone, I don’t think I could function a day without it.

7. I have an awesome job, one of the few people in this world that I actually love my job and what I do.

8. I am completely flat footed. One of my oldest friends calls me swamp foot. It is quite amusing since I also wear a size 9 ½ to 10 depending on the shoe.

9. I have several restaurants I love to eat at, but refuse to try anything different on the menu, so depending on what I’m in the mood to eat is which one I will go to. I rarely ever try anything new.

10. I am currently taking the KLove 30 day challenge.

11. I screwed up an permed my hair a few months ago and hated it… still growing it out, but I have started to learn to love the curls.

Questions I had to answer…

1.What was the best part of 2011 for you? Wow… I think the best part of 2011 was finally getting promoted at work. I have been at the company for 6 years now and I felt like I was really appreciated for all my hard work.

2. If you were given the choice to have a maid or chef which would you choose? Definitely a maid, I hate to clean but I love a clean house.

3. What does love mean to you? Never taking advantage of another person.

4. What's one piece of advice you can give this future wife? Be patient with him. You are about to embark on a new journey where you have to share everything with someone you love. You will have good days and bad, and on the bad days just to remember to be patient and understanding. Give him respect even if you feel like he doesn’t deserve it. It’s one of the keys to a great marriage.

5. Do you make your bed every morning? Um… no

6. Are you a couch or recliner type of person? I love my over sized chair

7. Super bowl... which do you like more... the game, the entertainment, the commercials, or the food? All of the above

8. What got you to start blogging? I needed and outlet for my pent up emotions. Sometimes I feel like I have no one to talk to and blogging helps me get it off my chest.

9. You've been given a lazy day, what do you plan to do all day? I had one of those yesterday… and I did absolutely nothing… all day.

10. Cheesecake, chocolate cake or apple pie? My mom’s homemade Cheesecake

11.And only because it never fails that someone will ask you this in life... If you could be a color, what color would you be?! =) I’d be red, the color of passion, bravery and fire. I’m not as brave as I think I am.

My question for you...

1. You can have one of the following two things: trust/love

2. Are you the kind of friend that you would want to have as a friend?

3. Where do you like to go to have fun?

4. What is beauty?

5. Why is it called a "drive through" if you have to stop?

6. Do you have any regrets in life?

7. What is your favorite song and why?

8. If you were granted one wish what would it be?

9. If sour cream is past its expiration date is it good then?

10. Why is your definition of true happiness different from anyone else's definition of true happiness?

11. What do you expect from 2012?

Now it’s your turn...

Angel from Daughter Wife Mother... WOMAN

Jo Jo at Time for Me

Whispering Writer at Airing My Dirty Laundry, One Sock At A Time

Oilfield Trash from Make Daddy a Sammich

SherilinR at laughing my abs off

Shan at I’m Just Sayin...

Whynotgal at Whynotgal :)

Jodi at Under the Georgia Sun

Tammy at What have I Done?

The Angry Lurker at The Angry Lurker

Stephanie at Everyday Stephanie


The Angry Lurker said...

I will do my best.....

Jodi@ underthegeorgiasun.com said...

I'm working on mine!!

You have an iPhone?! Do you "instagram"??? find me if you do, i'm: underthegeorgiasun

LOVE #5, seriously made me LOL

and YAY for your promotion!!!!

I don't EVER make my bed, unless I just washed the sheets..

and #10, all of the above please. ;o)