Thursday, January 26, 2012

don't get on my last nerve... again

Small towns and rumors and drama...


living in a small town you get a little too close to people, closer than you really want to. I'm sure that if you live in a big city you really don't have to run into people or talk to anyone unless you really want to. But in a small town like this... you really can't help it.There are only a few places to really "go out" so you see the dreaded ex friend that wants to "talk" , or there is that one chick that no matter how far you go out of your way to be nice, she still has her nose in the air when your in the same group of people, classy. Meaning go out... like dinner or even for drinks. It doesn't matter...  its everywhere....

I am a social person by nature. I love to get dressed up, get out of the house, dance and have a good time. Going through the divorce right now however I can't do that. Heck I can't even go to Wal-Mart without someone running their mouth that I was out partying it up... yeah, in Wal-Mart. I guess I should have gotten my picture taken for so that I could show off just how fancy I got dressed up to buy milk and tampons.

I freaking hate drama and right now my life is full of it. I mean when I say full its full. I'm hearing things about me that I didn't even know I did. Another reason I hate this small town, but alas with joint custody and the fact that I actually want my kids to see their father on a regular basis, I can't move. I know that regardless of where I live though there will always be some sort of drama.

The place I live is very click'ish. I know you only see clicks in high school, but honestly... Meridian, MS is just like high school, no matter what age you are. Maybe it's because everyone knows every ones business? I don't know, and at this point I really don't care.

Like I said earlier about going out... that is one reason the Hubs and I stayed home or would go to a friends house. There is this group over here and that group over there and its almost like you have to get approval from everyone in the group to be able to hang out. Seriously. You could know two or three people but if there is someone there that has been hanging around longer and they don't like you... hang it up. Sound familiar Meridian High School class of 1995...Isn't that a click? So if you don't meet the standards of all in the group or at least the "group leader" then there is drama to follow... I know we say we are too old for high school click drama but honestly... these are adults acting like children. If you don't like me, say so I don't need your approval. But even hanging out with a small group of friends there is always going to be that one person that has to keep the pot stirred up all the time no matter what is going on. Do people thrive on this shit or what?!?

Drama in a small town is ridiculous... there are so many rumors flying around about me it's not even funny. And most of the crap comes from when I was like 25 years old. Yep... just because I supposedly did it then (which I didn't) does NOT mean I'm going to do it now (never going to happen). Hint of advise for you young ladies out there... never take a job in a bar unless you are emotionally strong enough to let the rumors and drama roll off your back... just saying.

So really... my topics fall together... I just don't like rumors and drama and most of it comes from the fact that I live in a small town. So how do you avoid all that? You can't.. I've tried. We tried staying home, didn't work. We tried deleting facebook, that really didn't work either. Facebook is a world full of drama just saying and its like a black hole that sucks you in. Seriously stay away if you can... also known as Crackbook.


GypsyFox said...

I'm right there with you!!! I HATE Facebook it is like high school all over again I am NOT on FB anymore it caused so many problems for me & it's like really? I'm a grown woman I don't need 1 more person talking or starting shit..I have children to worry about. sorry you are going through all of that & I can relate (hugs)

Unknown said...

You think Meridian is small? Try my area. That's what my neighbor do -- trade stories about who is doing what, where they're doing it, when they're doing it , and then speculating on why. It's just like that saying, "it's ok if I don't know what I'm doing. My neighbors can remind me.". When I was young, I'd give people things to talk about. That has come back tribute me. But I have discovered the truck to a low-drama life: have NO friends. Very few people call or visit, and those only after repeated invitations. I knew there had to be an upside to having no friends. Thanks!

But I still love ya. And I'm smart enough to not believe everything ( or even most things) that I hear. Small minds have big mouths. Just don't retaliate. Instead say, "Bless their hearts. They dont have anything better to talk about."

Jodi@ said...

I live in a small town and it's the same way here.

People talk about how our town is the "friendly city" and how Atlanta is full of rude people. Couldn't be farther from the truth. I felt more welcomed in Atlanta than I EVER have in my own home town.

It just shouldn't be that way, but it is.

Keep your head up! You're in my prayers! (((HUGS)))