Monday, October 10, 2011

Paranormal activity?


I was at S30P and the writing prompt for the week is Haunted. Being that it is that time of year I just couldn't pass this one up. I love a good ghost story or scary movie.

If you have read any of my post about my dreams you would surely think I was haunted. There are some creepy things that go on in that little head of mine... just kidding. But in all seriousness, I do have some strange and horrifying dreams sometimes. Over the last few weeks though they have seemed to stop but for the most part, when I have one, it's a pretty good one. I started blogging some of them, but I just don't know how to put them down on paper well enough to do them justice for other readers. My dreams are vivid, detailed, full of color and dement ion. So many things going on at one time. Most of them are in three parts, all of them are reoccurring at some point in time or another.

I often thought that from my dreams I was haunted. I will sit up in the middle of the night screaming. Some nights I can't even scream, not in my dreams or even to wake myself. I've been told they are called night terrors, but I don't sleep walk with them. Most of the time when I have one that is really bad, I will hum in my sleep. I know I've mentioned that to you before. It's a deep hum, almost a growl. Creeps out the husband when he hears it. He will usually wake me up when I start. Mom says I did it even as a child in my sleep. I had the nightmares then too.

The part that really bothers me is that my dreams are so realistic sometimes I can't tell if I'm awake or dreaming. I woke up several nights as a young child when we lived in Briarwood to a little red headed boy standing next to my bed holding a record player. When we lived in our house in Broadmoor I woke up to a man standing at the foot of my bed, I would be so petrified I couldn't reach out to turn on the lamp next to my bed. But was it just a dream, or was I awake? I haven't had these incidents since High School but the nightmares have gotten quite worse. I've been taking something to help me sleep and I think it is one of the reasons I don't remember my dreams as well.

I watched Paranormal Activity the other night and it made me curious... do I walk in my sleep, is there a certain time in my sleep pattern that I start the dreams, do I hum every night, can I actually scream out loud? I wonder this pretty often. No I don't think I'm deamon posessed or anything like that. I really wonder... what have I done or what is going on inside my head that I dream this way?


TheUnSoccerMom said...

I have those vivid dreams too. A lot of times I will wake up and swear I just heard someone talking to me, like they are right beside me.

I've been having some doozies lately!

Rosalind said...

oooh me too... I've felt like I've had someone right there talking to me as well.