Monday, October 17, 2011

Soft curls turned frizz... say it ain't so

What a fabulous weekend in Rosie's world.... yes it was. I finally came to the conclusion that I regret getting a perm.

Yep a perm... Alas I have had straight long chestnut locks for several years. Last week I needed to have a change. So, Sunday afternoon I got the need for something different and got a perm. Yes, I did. A perm.

What in the world was I thinking? I haven't quite figured out what to do about it yet. I've got a straightening iron, and heavy conditioner. I've read to use hot oil treatment and leave it on for hours to weigh it down, but I want it gone yesterday. So I tried my hand at using the iron yesterday and it seemed to work OK, this morning I washed my hair and tried again, and for some reason I have this wavy hump in the back that just won't go away. My hair, that used to be nice a silky smooth is now coarse and ... fluffy. I see many ponytails in my near future, even though I love the cut the girl did. Absolutely love it... now that I've seen it. Hahaha! OK, you can't laugh, I'm the only one that can do that.

I have had my issues with my hair. Several years ago I decided to go blond. Yeah, that was a big mistake. After sitting in the chair for with a new girl nearly 8 hours my hair was blond, or more like strawberry brassy blond. Two months later I decided I would be smart and do my own roots using a cap and a kit, therefore frying my hair that was half way down my back. The next day ponytail in tow I went back to my original hairdresser who with a look of disgust that I even did that to my hair, she had to chop of 8 inches and use a color filler in my hair. Back to brown we went. From that time on, I have done my own color. Highlights, fillers, coloring grey... all of if. To this day I will not let another person put color on my hair.

So why did I decide that I wanted to even perm the hair? I don't know. My husband likes curly hair. So I thought I would do something for him and have a hair style he liked? Maybe? Well, I got a regular perm, not a spiral and now it is just frizzy not pretty soft curls like I wanted. So now the trick it to figure out how to get it straight again without looking like I fried my hair.

Off to the CVS I will go with a shopping list from my friends of things to try. Maybe I will even go for the Brazilian Blowout. More money to correct something I should have never done in the first place, I haven't completely given up the idea of just cutting it all off and starting over. I'm a unique person with my own unique style, but I know I will seriously regret that idea when I start to look like Molly Ringwald in 16 Candles. Ugh.. that hairdo is way to 1985 for me to even try to get away with.

Wish me luck on my endeavor to get my straight hair back. Until then, no photos please.


SherilinR said...

i have TOTALLY been there in the "must do Something to change my hair" phase & then did something i regretted. too many times. try not to shave it off. but if you do, at least you'll have a very fresh start!

TheUnSoccerMom said...

when I was younger, I got a horrific perm.. and my step mother straightened it back out by buying a perm kit from the store (waiting a few days of course, didn't want to burn my hair off) and followed the instructions, but instead of putting curlers in, she and I took turns combing it straight for the amount of time the box said to leave the curlers in. result? back to my natural straight self... :o)

The Angry Lurker said...

Come on, show us a picture.

Rosalind said...

no pictures... well, maybe later. I have some on my phone.

stephanie said...

ha! I was there not 3 months ago. I somehow convinced myself a perm was a good idea. it wasn't. it was so so wrong. luckily my stylist agreed and straightened my hair for free... I love it now! so low maintenance :)

AiringMyLaundry said...

My hair never works for me so I feel your pain.

Rosalind said...

tell you what... when I get 100 followers, I will post a pic of the hair.