Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Life isn't that simple...

It never fails... when you think something would be simple, it always turns out to be a major task at hand… in all areas of life.

Last night Buck and I took #1 and #2 over to a friend’s house to do a little vehicle maintenance that should have only taken 30 minutes, but ended up being a 2 hour job that still isn't finished. I really hate it for them, because since the easy fix didn't work, they are down a vehicle for the day.

On the bright side... my babies had the chance to play with their children who are such a blessing. She says they are wild, but I saw otherwise. These were the most well mannered and polite children I have ever met. She is a stay at home mom and I think, well I know... this has a lot to do with it. So while my wild #2 was running around the house like a heathen I was completely embarrassed. What exactly am I doing wrong? Why won't she mind me? Why does she talk back? I know it has a lot to do with her age but she is completely defiant.

#1 isn’t like that at all. She minds, most of the time. She says please and thank you. I think that maybe I was a little too hard on her to make her behave, and tried not to be such a tough mom with #2. I see now the error of my ways and maybe I should have been more firm with her? I really don’t know.

On the way home, #1 decided to throw a little pitty party since it was late and she was tired. We told her to be quiet and save it. She spoke up again and #2 screams out "Shut yo Mouf" ... yep. I know she got that from me, but really? Has it come to this. I had to push back my laughter since she was being flat out ugly to #1 but on the other hand it was still funny.... she's a little bossy. Wonder where she gets it from?

#2 has become quite comical with her blurts. I know she is just being her bossy self, but you can see her personality in full swing. Just like yesterday when she stuck her fingers in her ears and stuck out her tongue at me. It was cute… it was funny… but it was bad. If I laugh, she will do it again, but I can’t help it.

It isn’t simple to raise kids, fix trucks, or cook. It takes time and patience. Lots of practice. No one is perfect at it.

Pray for me… I will be bald when she gets in her teens because by then I will have pulled out all my hair.

Easter 2011


Unknown said...

Thought you said girls were easy? I'm having the same problems with my boys, but I won't have to deal with teenage female hormones in a few years. ;-)

Oilfield Trash said...

It gets easier as they get older.

TheUnSoccerMom said...

Oh the memories!! I will be praying for you for sure!! :o)

Remember to praise, praise, praise when they do/say something that is nice. :o)

Al Penwasser said...

Oh, it certainly isn't simple to raise kids. That being the case, I've dedicated my life to one goal:
Live long enough to be a burden to my children and their spouses.
They'll have to EARN their inheritance! ;-)

Joy said...

Oh boy.... I have a feeling she is going to grow up to be a teacher. LOL

Avalon Cat Cartoons said...

I'll be purrrrrring for you ;-)

Rosalind said...

@ Angel - Kids are not easy at all. And you will have to deal with female hormones when they start calling at all hours.

@ OT - Thanks, I hope so

@ Mom - I praise all the time, but I still wanna pull my hair out.

@ Al - My parents are doing the same to me ;)

@ Joy - I think the same thing

@ Avalon - Thank you!

Unknown said...

Sounds familiar! That's just girls for you! Visiting and now following via Finding New Friends Hop...hop over to my blog and follow back if you like...

Jessica K

SherilinR said...

wow, little one is a sassy one. it's so tremendously hard sometimes not to laugh when they say something so naughty & so funny!
and we haven't even reached the teen years, but the puberty crap has started already & she's not even 9 yet. God help us all.

Rosalind said...

@ Mom4Real - you are so right! Following you as well.

@ SherilinR - She is sassy, too sassy. I will have you in my thoughts as you go on this journey... may the "force" be with you.