Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What did I eat last night?

I don't know if it was the Diet Mt. Dew I had before I went to bed, or the huge bowl of spaghetti with cheesy garlic toast I had for dinner... but something triggered one of the strangest dreams I have had in my entire life. To the point that I woke up at 1 a.m. saying ... "Whaaaaaa???" Yeah, it was that messed up.

Of course I should have wrote it down, but here is a little taste of what happened. Usually I have nightmares or dreams that are so creepy they would scare Stephen King. For once... this was just stupid. Too stupid not to share.

It all started with a nice hair cut that I got. In real life I've been thinking about cutting my hair so short that I could maintain with a flowbee. If you don't know what that is, google it.

Anyhoo... Once I get the hair cut I enter this almost euphoric state you could say... I felt like I was high on all kinds of good stuff, kinda like I felt on the hamster feeder after I had kid #2 by Cesarean. And then all of the sudden I am at some disco club, for real with the mirrored ball and Earth Wind and Fire playing in the background.

I look over and I see my old neighbor sitting in the same green chair that sits in my living room. He's talking to the Black Eye Peas. Yeah... it's getting stupid at this point because they don't look anything like them. Actually they are all dressed up in the silly black and white costumes they wore on American Idol like 3 years ago.

Suddenly I am drawn to them. I go over and one of the guys in the band says "Lay down" ... so I did... and next thing happens... they start floating over me like ghost and singing... Boom Boom Pow. Not really sure how long this went on since it's a dream and all.

After the Boom Boom Pow episode I get up and my neighbor starts talking to me and fixing my hair... he is twisting my hair and putting Elmer's glue in it. At this point I've started to look like I have Snoop Dog hair and I take of screaming like a little girl.

and well.. then I woke up.

No more Diet Mt. Dew or spaghetti combo for dinner for me.


That Janie Girl said...

God, you're brave...not only Mountain Dew, but Diet Mountain Dew?

That stuff jacks me up so high meth would be a downer! (not that I have a clue what meth is like, but i do know what Mountain Dew does to me! ;))

Snoop Dog hair - that's funny!

Rosalind said...

@ Janie - caffine does not faze me anymore for some reason... I have small bouts of insomnia with or without. Sometimes it helps me sleep... I know, thats crazy.

Oilfield Trash said...

It had to be the diet mountain dew. I hate diet mountain dew. Yep that is it.

TheUnSoccerMom said...

WOW! I'd say no more Diet Mt. Dew EVER!! lol

and a flowbee?? really?? I'd be scared to death to cut my own hair.. even w/ one of those. :o)

Rosalind said...

@ OT - I think you may be right

@ Mom - I have thought seriously about doing that to my hair... it really gets on my nerves in the MS summer

stephanie said...

I'd totally blame the diet mtn dew :)

Joy said...

How strange is it that we BOTH had spaghetti last night with the cheesy garlic toast? Hmmm... great minds think alike. However, if I dreamed or had a nightmare last night — I do not remember it. So it must have been the dew! =)

Rosalind said...

@ stephanie - I'm blaming the dew too.

@ Joy - great minds totally think alike ;)