Monday, July 11, 2011

How Meridian Mississippi Saved My Life

Recently I asked around the bloggy world for guest postings and I begged and pleaded with a few of my favorite writers for a guest post. Well folks... I got one. The begging and pleading worked ;)

Check out Oilfield Trash over at Make Daddy A Sammich, I have really enjoyed reading his blog. He was my #10 follower and has been one of my favorite blogs to read over the last year. Many thanks to Oilfield Trash for entertaining the thought of posting on my blog. And as most of you know, I am from Meridian, MS so thanks for the little bit of redneck publicity. Peace out yo!


How Meridian Mississippi Saved My Life

I often drive from Houston to Atlanta throughout the year to either take or pick up my kids from their grandparents (my ex in-laws) house in Atlanta. And sometimes I also stay up there with my kids. My ex in-laws are cool so it is no big deal for you closed minded people out there.

I normally take I-10 from Houston to Slidell Louisiana, and from there I turn north on I-59. I take I-59 all up through Mississippi into Alabama and stay on it till I reach northern Alabama past Birmingham and then I take back roads east into Georgia.

Now during the trip there or back I often stop at the same places for food and gas during my trip as I have gotten to know some of them over the years. In Lafayette I stop at a meat market for cracklings. In Slidell I stop at Star Bucks for coffee. Which brings me to Meridian Mississippi; I always stop and eat at the Chic-Fila in town at the shopping center right on I-59.

I stop there because the people are friendly, the food doesn’t upset my stomach, their bathroom is clean, and that part of town is decent, and it is easy to get on and off of the interstate.

On one of my trips to Atlanta a few years back, I stopped in Meridian as normal at the Chic-Fila for food. And after eating something told me to stop at this truck stop to get gas. So we went to this truck stop in Meridian for gas. While the gas was filling up I took the kids inside to get more drinks for the last 4 or so hours of the drive to their grandparent’s house.

While inside the truck stop, I had a premonition of some kind telling me that I needed to buy a radar detector (I speed when driving long distances on the interstates, but who doesn’t). So I had a look at what the truck stop had and decided on the one which was on sale for $25. It was cheap and it looked like it worked well.

So we headed back to the car and finished putting gas in the car and cleaned out some trash from the trip thus far. I took the radar detector out and put in on the windshield, plugged it in, and got back on the road heading north.

Shortly after leaving Meridian, you cross the state line and head into Alabama. As we crossed into Alabama I was in the right lane and there was a car next to me in the left lane. We were both doing about 85 mph at the time. This took place near the “Welcome to the inbred State Alabama” rest center.

It was at that moment that my radar detector light up like a Christmas tree and made sounds like the nuke warnings of the 1950’s. I immediately hit the brakes and slowed down to 65 mph. The car next to me did not slow down. I looked back in the rear view mirror and saw that a state trooper had pulled out with his lights and sirens on and was heading towards me.

I was nervous in the anticipation of being pulled over and getting a speeding ticket, but the cop didn’t pull me over. He instead went after the car that was next to me but did not slow down when I did as a result of my newly purchased radar detector.

And that is the story of how Meridian Mississippi saved my life. Ok Meridian didn’t really save my life, but it sure as hell saved me at least $200-500 in speeding ticket fines that is for sure.


If anyone else is interested in doing a guest blog, here are the guidelines:

  • You post can not have ever been published on the Internet
  • You will (please) post about writing at Hello Rosie to draw in readers
  • Please keep your post clean and sanitary for my readers... PG to PG-13, no porn or profanity
If you think this is something you might be interested in, please email me at I am looking for anything to be posted. Just keep in mind that Miss Rosie is a Republican and a Christian... so... try not to write anything that would say otherwise.


TheUnSoccerMom said...

Haha! I didn't even know they still made radar detectors! :o)

Oilfield Trash said...

Yes Soccermom they still make them. And the one I bought in Meridian has saved my rear a ton of times. Best $25 bucks I have ever spent.

Rosalind said...

I need one for my lead foot

Joy said...

YAY... Meridian isn't only known as the retirement city anymore! =) Loved the post!

The Angry Lurker said...

The places I follow you to, good story though and hello Rosie.

Krissy said...

First of all, Hi Rosie!! Nice little place you have here. :)

OT.. It also saved you in insurance costs by not getting that ticket. We do the same thing about having favorite spots to stop at on regular trips, btw. It feels more familiar when you can find a comfortable, clean place to stop in.

Rosalind said...

@ Joy - Yay!

@ Angry Lurker - Hello to you too

@ Krissy - Thank you

Al Penwasser said...

I never underestimate the power of a clean rest room. Or a radar detector.

Pearson Report said...

Great post Oilfield - Al's summed it up with the clean rest room and radar detector alright!

It's like the R & R of travelling across any great land! Rosie! Good on you for securing such a great blogger as a guest! He's been a favourite of mine since the dawn of time!


That Janie Girl said...

Dude. If you bought a radar detector for $25, I wanna know what brand, because I need one.

No, I didn't get a ticket in Alaska for 79 in a 55. That's my story and I'm sticking to it...or at least until I call that judge today and beg forgiveness.

(My story's gonna be I was cold and I thought I was in Texas. Think it will fly?)

Oilfield Trash said...

@ Rosie, yes you do.

@ Joy, thank you.

@ Lurker, thank you.

@ Krissy, yes that is true as well.

@ Al, that is so true.

@ Pearson, thank you.

@ Janie, yes it was $25 bucks. Remind me and I will look when I get in the car after work.

Ruth said...

I didn't know people still had them anymore either.