Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Wednesday Funnies

Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday full of fun and laughter!

Funny .... but True

A guide at Windsor Castle was struggling to make herself heard over the roar of low flying aircraft coming into land at nearby Heathrow. She was interrupted by a tourist who demanded what was wrong with the town planners, and why had they built the castle so close to the airport.

`Good home wanted for year-old Basset bitch. Understands every word I say, but ignores it.' Card in Portsmouth shop window.

A group of tourists escorted around the British Houses of Parliament suddenly found themselves in the presence of the then Lord Chancellor, Lord Hailsham, resplendent in full wig and gown. Spying behind the group the figure of Neil Marten MP, the Lord Chancellor called out in greeting.`Neil' with dignified vigour. And all the tourists did.

Police who asked a legless beggar in Oklahoma City to establish his identity were led round the corner where his brand new car was waiting with his chauffeur. - News Agency

Question. How can you tell the age of a snake? Answer. It is extremely difficult to tell the age of a snake unless you know exactly when it was born. Detroit News

WOMAN ON PHONE IS HARD TO STOP - ROANOKE, Virginia, November 29 (AP). Have phone, will talk. That seems to have been the view of a woman who set some kind of record by talking to the Roanoke Police Department for exactly seven hours and fifteen minutes Friday night and Saturday. The police did not identify the lady by name. She called at I 1.44 P.m. last night and reported a watch stolen. Once that complaint was disposed of she launched into a conversation which covered practically everything from home furnishings to politics. Busy police answered other calls but the lady kept right on talking. The end came shortly after 7 a.m. She began to slur her words, then came what police described as a soft bump followed by snoring. - Georgia paper


stephanie said...

ha! I like the lady who talked to the police just because how odd!

SherilinR said...

are they sure it was a woman & not a preschool girl? cuz those 4 yr old girls tend to talk non-stop sometimes even if no one's listening.

TheUnSoccerMom said...

that last one... I totally get it! I have customers like that and they always tend to call during lunch, when I'm the only one in the office and everyone and their momma decide to come in the office and/or call. :o)