Tuesday, June 21, 2011

In greener pastures...

Now and then I will hear someone use the phrase The grass is always greener on the other side, but what most people don't realize is The grass is greener where you fertilize it.

The writing prompt at S30P is The Grass is Growing Tall Again for the week

Yes, the grass may be greener on the other side for some people... but in my fence, the grass is tall and lush and growing tall again.

My life is full of love and romance.

Special moments with each other and quality time.

Openess and honesty

Stolen kisses

Holding hands while we fall asleep at night

Sneaking a peek at the other one while getting ready in the morning

Goodbye kisses and

always saying I love you... even if you are mad. 

I have said before that he and I read the 5 Love Languages, here they are incase you would like to incorporate them in you life and find out what love language your partner speaks.Check out the website to see how.

Everyone expresses love differently. "The Five Love Languages" is a popular book that explores the ways people express their love to and receive love from their partners.

Words of Affirmation
Encourage your spouse in her achievements. Use kind words or compliment her to uplift her.

Quality Time
Spend time with your spouse. Look him in the eye when you converse, and give him your undivided attention. Take a walk with him or play a game together.

Receiving Gifts
You need not spend a lot of money on a gift, but a token to show that you were thinking of her will go far. Sometimes your spouse does not need a physical gift, but desires the gift of your presence in tough or joyous times.

Acts of Service
Provide your spouse with a clean, quiet home after work, wash the dog or take the car to the shop for an oil change. These are all examples of acts of service.

Physical Touch
Touching can vary from holding hands, hugging or intercourse. Close the physical gap between yourself and your spouse and she will feel your love.


Unknown said...

Problems can arise, though, when you each speak different languages, and forget to translate. My failing is that though I SPEAK the language, I forget to TRANSLATE.

TheUnSoccerMom said...

I try to remind myself of that every day. I'm not having such a great time in my job and the fear of being laid off is ever present. But I have to keep reminding myself how blessed I am to even have a job.

Thank you for reminding me that the grass is not always greener on the other side. :o)

I've been wanting to read the Five Love Languages... I think I will pick it up soon.

Rosalind said...

you really should read it. It is a great book... even for learning how to interact with all people. Has helped me tons.

shan said...

Sometimes... The grass is greener over the septic tank! I'm just sayin'!!

stephanie said...

I really needed to read this post! You are SO right it's greener where you fertilize- I needed that reminder!

Rosalind said...

LMBO @ Shan... grass is dead over our septic tank haha!

Stephanie - Glad I could help