Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Rosie's Challenge - I quit

yep... I said it... I quit.

I started looking, like really looking at the list and I just couldn't pull any more positive crap out of the negative daily task. I mean really...

Day 14: A hero that has let you down. (letter)

Day 21: (scenario) Your best friend is in a car accident and you two got into a fight an hour before. What do you do?

Day 26: Have you ever thought about giving up on life? If so, when and why?

Oh my goshk!!! I don't know how much more I could take. Day 10 was pretty tough for me not to just blow up and go crazy on... so I quit. I throw my hands up and I quit. No more Truth Challenges!

Much better...

On another note. Life around Rosie's house is just as plain and dull as usual. Buck changed #2's bed over from a crib to toddler bed... she kept telling me last night it was broken. It still didn't stop her from getting in and out 100's of time over a period of about ... eh... 2 hours. She had no interest in the hubs and I spending any quality time with each other. This is not an unusual thing around our house. And from what I am learning from friends of mine... kids have like a built in sensor that goes off every time Mommy and Daddy get closer than 6 inches from each other, a.k.a. The Panic Button (as Shan calls it). It... is... starting... to... get... on ... my ... nerves........ Ya hear what I'm sayin'?

We also got the pool clean and ready to swim in. I spent most of the weekend floating and swatting at horse flies. I would like to send a shout out to my kids for making it impossible for me to buy a swimsuit without under wire or a skirt.I did however... buy a bikini. Don't show up uninvited... you have been warned. #1 and #2 have had a wonderful time hanging on me and Buck (while we try not to drown) as they both crawl all over us. They have really taken to the water well. All I hear is "I want to go swimmin"

Regardless of how much I cry and fuss over all over it... in all honesty I just wish they would stay this small. I know they won't, but I'm not ready for them to grow up just yet. Even though they drive me crazy most days... they are still so much fun and full of love.


TheUnSoccerMom said...

I don't blame you about the challenge! Why do something that doesn't produce something positive? or makes you dwell on negative things??

Enjoy the pool!! My family has been enjoying ours. I still have a couple days b/4 I can get out there w/out wearing a big ol' floppy hat. :o)

shan said...

Panic Button -- aye?

Rosalind said...

I have no problem getting in the pool with my big floppy hat... it's a southern thang

yep.. panic button

stephanie said...

I am so jealous of your pool! And we switched out little from a crib to a toddler bed luckily she hasn't figured out that she can get up if she wakes up haha she still waits on us!

Rosalind said...

@ Stephanie - don't be too jealous... Walmart Special $499, but it works great.

Maasiyat said...

Yea you lasted longer than I would have. I admire that you even attempted it.

Oilfield Trash said...

That is why I didn't do it.