Friday, June 24, 2011

are these my children?

I wonder some days... I know they are... but I really wonder. Is it payback for being such a pain to my parents when I was a child? I don't know.

Before #2 came along, #1 was so quiet, calm, and polite. Now my house is full of backtalking, screaming, and temper tantrums.... from both children. #2 has a very bad temper. She wants her way all the time and I have recently figured out that "time out" is a joke to her. She is 2 1/2 years old. I know... terrible twos, but it is rubbing off on #1. So now she can throw just as big of a fit as the younger one.

What do I do?

I am at a loss not... I have gotten to the point that I really dread the hours between 6 - 8 when they are wound up from school. I am a control freak around the house. Things have to be done a certain way. I expect them to mind and eat their dinner. I want them to stop running in the house. Don't back talk. Quit crying because I said "NO" you can't have chocolate at 8:30 before bed.

What do I do?

I need some serious advice before I begin to pull my hair out and run screaming throught the yard.


Unknown said...

Get used to it and get a prescription for Xanax. Or hire a nanny. That's life and I have it at my house, too. I'm on countdown to when the youngest leaves for college/military (he IS leaving one way or the other).

stephanie said...

My 2-1/2 year old is going through the same thing. Rules apparently don't apply to her and time out? It's for chumps. I'm ready to pull my hair out some days!!

laughingmom said...

That control freak thing has to be the first thing to go! Relax a bit and enjoy them while they are little and you can still pick them up and strangle them. (ha!) When they get bigger than you, you have nothing left but the "mean mommy stare."

TheUnSoccerMom said...

pick your battles for sure. I'm a control freak too and I have to remind myself that it's okay if Christen doesn't do something EXACTLY the way I do, if the end result is the same.. it's alright.

so easier said than done...

enJOY those babies while their little.... because soon, they'll be teenagers and you'll be begging for these days back. (((HUGS)))

Jo Jo said...

When the temper tantrums start, walk away and let them scream. I'm serious. It drives the kids nuts. Mine have actually gotten up and chased me down and thrown themselves down in whatever room I'm in.

It's all about consistancy. Time out does work for some kids. Sometimes, you have to take things away - a favorite toy, whatever. You just have to find what works and stick to it.