Tuesday, January 25, 2011

time well spent

My goodness I am excited! I finished a book. Fo' reals yo!

Ever since I started this job 5 years ago I have not really had the time to read. Between having 2 kids and the continuing education (I would have never thought I had to do it either) I really haven't had time to read a book other than Principals of Insurance or something like that.

So... I'm at Mom and Pop's house the other day and he hands over a book The Luncheonette by Steven Sorrentino.

It's not a horror fiction or suspense like I love to read, not even close, but it is a memoir of a man brought back to his home in the 1980's after his father fails in health. The book reads like a novel, you get sucked in. The characters leave an imprint on your heart and soul that you won't let go of. I actually cried when I finished this book. It made me really look at my relationship with my family and realize just how lucky I am to have such wonderful people in my life. I definitely recommend  that you pick it up and read it. You may or may not enjoy it, and it may or may not make an impact on your life. I have always been a fiction reader so I was slightly hesitant on reading an memoir... but I'm glad I did. I can't believe I finished it so quickly either.. sheesh!

On to my next book adventure... The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson. I have been told very little about it but I've seen it everywhere. There was even a movie out on PPV but I opted to read the book first. I've come to realize that it's a trilogy and you've got to read all three... according to the bro-in-law. He said there are some iffy sketchy situations in the book... I've only read the prologue so I can't give you any more information.

I used to be an avid reader. Anything and everything from Stephen King, although it has been hard to get into the last couple of novels from him... little more than usual. I'm sure it has been mostly to do with my lack of time to allow my self to get sucked in like I usually would. Before kids and marriage... I could sit down with a fresh novel, pack of smokes a pot of coffee and go to town on a book. I might finish whatever I was reading that day... all depended on the book.

I got sucked into memoir I mentioned above and I hope that I will enjoy this new novel as well. I have always used reading as my escape from reality and right now... I need that vacation more than ever.

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