Wednesday, January 12, 2011

a day in the life of Rosie

Fur real yo...

I really don't like dishing out my daily activities on my blog or use it as a personal planner, but honestly... I really don't have shit to talk about. I keep thinking Today will be the day that I post something blogworthy but nope... not a damn thing clickin up there.

I have lost my stride somewhat about blogging... tell me what you think about this. Last week or the week before, I don't remember exactly what day it was, I joined 3 different blog communities in hopes that there were women bored enough with their own personal lives that they would be interested in reading about my personal life... FAIL! Apparently husband thinks that by doing this I am looking to meet people to talk to. I do not want to meet people, I do not want to chat with people, I do not want to send long emails to random stalkers. I do, however, want people to read my blog, I want to be seen as someone with something important to say, I .... I..... I wanna win a stinking blog award or be recognized as a Blog of Note!!! There I said it. That wasn't so bad. Is that too much to want? I also want more that one follower... Thanks sis, love ya for your support.

I have a few blogs that I read, follow, er whatever. I have no interested in contacting these ladies and saying Ooh, I wanna be your friend, will you like me? I do, however, laugh my ass off when I read some of the things they have to post. I have some of my favorites listed and I have mentioned them before on facebook or previous blog post... husband has even read some of it and I heard him snicker a little ,but he won't admit it.

I enjoy doing this. Some people wouldn't really understand why... for example... husband. He is a private person, doesn't like to talk about his feelings, he's a country boy (in a good way, not white trash redneck), and he is content. I know it sounds selfish, but I like to be acknowledged for having done something, I like positive reinforcement. I like the fact that over dinner at the parents house, Pop said something that I needed to add to his quote page and immediately Big Sister took note of it. I think that having my blog gives me a conversation piece... almost like a coffee table book. I look at Husband and say did you read what I wrote today? he says yes I say well, what did you think?  He always gives me his opinion of what I had to say to some degree. Sometimes when we don't have much to talk about it helps to get a conversation going. So why the hell not... I need to figure out how to go public and at the same time keep creeps from trying to be my best bud. Any ideas?

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