Monday, July 22, 2013

Dear, 16 year old me...

I’ve debated writing this letter to you for a while now. It’s just a few weeks past your 16th birthday. That was a great party, and the promise ring he bought you is so pretty. I want to save you a little bit of stress, he really does love you so don’t walk away just yet. It’s not time. I know High School sucks. Keep it up, your doing a good job. Ignore those that pick on you because you aren’t as cool as they think you should be. It’s not worth the stress and pain you feel right now. You will grow into a beautiful woman, you’ll fill out. Eventually you will gain a little weight and not look so poor.

When you start school at East Central, give it all you’ve got. College isn’t a big party. Go to class, keep your grades up, graduate on time. Keep it up, go on to finish your degree… I know you think you can do it part time, but you’ll give up if you don’t go at it 100%. It’s so hard to go back after you’re grown. Don’t miss out on any opportunity to sing… Sing with your heart and soul. Be forgiving of others. Keep in touch with the girls from the dorm. You’ll wish you had them around in your 20’s.

When you turn 22 you’ll get a job working at the bar. You’ll make good money, but be careful… you have a tendency to drink too much. Don’t let alcohol ruin your life like we’ve seen it happen to others. Just don’t do it. Only go in there when you have to work. Spend more time with your family. Remember to cherish the girls that you work with, these are life long friendships. That guy you dated for a few years… don’t push it. He does care but he’s hurt too. You’ll learn a lot about life with him. He’s not the one for you though… When he lets you leave, and you will… do it on good terms.

At 27 you’ll decide to get married. You love him, he’s your best friend. I’d say don’t rush it, but if I did and you took more time, you wouldn’t have Katie and Samantha. Go to church more, spend more time with him, focus more on your family, if not… you’ll be divorced in 8 years. It’s not worth it. Divorce hurts, it will nearly kill you. Don’t get back in the bottle again. Don’t do it please. You’ll end up totaling out your new car and going broke. You can’t drown yourself in alcohol. It only numbs the pain, it won’t go away. Talk to someone about how you feel. Self medicating isn’t the answer.

You’re going to date a few guys after your divorce, a couple good one and quite a few bad ones. You made a lot of mistakes in your marriage, one of them was giving up too early, but don’t let the past stop you from moving forward. You are going to miss out on a few nice guys because you’re scared to get hurt, or worse… hurt them. Don’t push people away. Being single isn’t so bad. Being lonely is terrible. Have friends that you spend time with. You will have some amazing ones when you reach my age. You don’t need a man in your life to make you feel whole so don't feel like you have to date anyone unless you want to. Don’t settle for less than you deserve, and you my dear… deserve nothing but the best.

Dear, 16 year old me…

Keep a positive outlook. All the things you think are wrong with you are things that people told you that you had to believe. Don’t let anyone treat you like you are ordinary. You are an amazing woman. Remember that you are beautiful. Take chances. Don’t miss an opportunity to do something amazing.

And most important… don’t give up on love…

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