Wednesday, July 24, 2013

on to greater things...

So yeah, I wrote the letter to myself 20 years ago. I may just have to do that on milestone birthdays. Remind me when I turn 41 (which will NEVER happen) to do the "what not to do on your 21st birthday" letter. Yeah, that weekend was a total bomb. Never date a race car driver... and check the truck before you leave the track to make sure he isn't sneaking some skank home. Little bitter still? Yeah maybe.

Anyway... back to reality and 36. Ugh. New adventures that I am going on this year. YES!!! I said adventures.

I have broken out of my shell, I've started singing something other than in the shower, car, and Karaoke. Woo Hoo! I've branched out... real musicians. Go figure, there are people out there that actually get paid, not much, to play music and they want people to sing with them. Whoda thunk it...  At this point, it's all still in the works and all, but I'm trying. I may even write a song or two. Yeah, I'm kinda awesome like that, I can lay down the dope lyrics blah blah blah... haha! I really had too much coffee before I started writing this.

Another adventure... I've told you about my petrifying fear of water. I've been on a boat a few times, canoed, all that stuff. Once once at night, that still sucked, but I think it was who was in the boat with me and their LACK of consideration for that fact that I don't like water at night and big stuff in the water, wreckage and bridges, freak me the ____ out. Chances are I probably won't be in the fishing boat in the middle of the night again, but I'll try. However, I have been on a canoeing trip, going again this weekend with Kid #1 and Kid #1. Weekend before last I spent the day on the river... in a boat, going fast. Hehehe... I liked it. I'm feeling more confident in myself these days.

And last but not least... I am finally on my own, supporting myself, in my own home (rented or whatever). I stayed with my parents for too long. I love them, but I couldn't run around the house naked looking for shoes in the morning trying to get ready for work. I'm happy. I'm at peace. I can finally do what I want rather than what I need, within limits and all that. I own appliances... yeah, that's some pretty smexy stuff there. I have cable, I can set the AC on whatever I want, and I can even stay up however late I want. Within reason of course, we are all adults here. I keep beer in my fridge too. I'm totally living on the edge. Last but not least... I can freaking take up the whole bed if I want to, except when the cat and both the kids decide I have to share, and then I have to sleep on the edge. The only snoring that wakes me up... is mine. Awesome. I've been in my house a couple months now. Finally have it set up the way I want it. Yes I need a few things but that will take time. I'm still happy regardless.

Next up... my bucket list. Be looking for that in the days to come.

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