Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Who is she...

I'm Rosie, and this year I will turn 36...

I won’t lie, yes... 36. I’ve been told I look 25 but most of the time it’s through the eyes of a drunken 25 year old boy thinking he might have a chance. I’ve gotten it a time or two when being carded for a drink at dinner and such. My mother said my divorce aged me, I don’t see it … regardless, I’ll be over 35. I honestly never thought I’d see it.

I always felt it was a milestone in my life… now I’ll be passing it in a few months. Oh, the lessons I learned. Trust is earned, not freely given. Most people don’t have your best interest at heart even if you do… be careful, he may not be genuine. People can be catty and chatty, your business may be all over town if you share with the wrong person. Unless he’s in a good church and takes his children, he probably isn’t interested in what you have to say. If you aren’t careful people will use you for whatever you have to give… money, a car ride, shoulder to cry on. But chances are, when you need it they won’t be there. Some friendships are only made to find out information, or snoop. People will assume what they want regardless of what you say.

Looking at my life and what I learned about people over the last couple of years, and especially in year 35, I don’t see what God is directing me to do in my life. My devotion today: For you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy. For the Scriptures say “You must be holy because I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:15-16 Yes, I’ve gone out and lived it up. I had a great time… I partied, made huge mistakes and a couple of bad choices, but on the other hand there were some amazing parts as well. I can’t really complain and I won’t ask for a do over. I made a few of the most wonderful and supportive friends a girl could ask for. I made a decision to stand on my own two feet again. I decided who I will and will not be allowed to share my life. But then I look back and see I didn’t live a holy life, there were times I didn’t even try. I’m disappointed in that.

I’m not perfect, and I will stumble from time to time… but I hope that with the knowledge I’ve gained I will make better choices. By doing that am I making myself over? Not really, I'll always be the same person to some point, just more cautious.I was told by a wise man you are like the 3 people closest to you in your life…  so who does that make you? The three closest people in my life are pretty amazing so, I finally know who I am. 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Social Media does it again...

Saturday night I had a long conversation with my Mud-duck and after long debate, I deleted the FaceBook account again. She did it as well, so we have a small support group. One week... lets see how long it last. However I still have the Hello Rosie fan page so I'm not completely disconnected. I know I've done it before but it has gotten to be too much. How many conversations have you had that start out "I saw on facebook..."?

Things I started noticing since the last deactivation. Share this and try to win, 100's of fan pages of nothing but video's and snarky comments. I'm tired of seeing how many times someone went to the gym or how often they eat at McDonald's. I want the old FaceBook back. Too many advertisements  too much drama. And don't forget the crazies. Really? You're scared someone may accidentally see you commented on someones status... Social Media (mainly Facebook) has created a generation of overly insecure people. This person made a status update and your guilty conscience led you to believe it was about you. Not to mention this person tagged 20 people in a post about how much they love their friends, you had lunch with her yesterday... why did she leave you out. My favorite is the jealously because another woman liked his picture, even though they have been friends for some 20 years now. FaceBook has ruined more friendships, relationships, and marriages than anything I've seen. It opens a whole new level of shady. I know, I know... nothing says I trust you like a joint FB account for a couple but really... Why wouldn't you, unless you have something to hide.

I have Instagram, my blog, twitter and Pinterest. There are ways to get in touch with me if you want to. You just need to look. I've been in boxed on FB by some of the strangest people... yet another reason to let it go. I'm a fairly private person, it has gotten too personal. I've tried to be quiet about where I am or who I'm with, but I can't filter everything.

One reason that really strikes in my mind that I need to get off the grid... I received a letter in the mail from an inmate at the Florida State Penitentiary.  Yes, freaked me out because there is no way he could have gotten my address since, I don't have a home phone. I assume that he looked up my parents in the white pages since I've known the man 10+ years. None the less, he was arrested for messing around with a 13 year old girl. My daughters are 7 and 4. It's too easy to get in touch with me these days.

So.. since you can't get me on my regular FB account, try one of the other modes of communication. There are plenty... you just actually have to know who I am to get to me. Good luck and happy hunting...