Tuesday, February 26, 2013

On the road again...

I’m not really sure what I’m supposed to say at this point. I don’t know how to honestly explain how I feel about what I’ve done. I hurt, but I also feel a sense of relief. I’m sad but I’m also happy. There is not one emotion that can truly define and describe what it is that I feel. It’s a blank emotion… I’m fine.

Recently I took a step back and looked at the situation I was in. Yes, we were trying but still couldn’t come to a resolution of our problem. Communication and trust. No matter the amount of love, sometimes it just isn’t enough. Rarely do couples that have been divorced make it when they try again. I can definitely say it is amicable this time. When the divorce was final last year, there was constant fighting and jealously. That is why I knew we had to try again. If we didn't have unfinished business it wouldn't have been an issue. This time we know, it’s just not going to happen. So now, we remain friends and look to building a strong friendship for the girls. They deserve happiness, even if its two homes. WE can do this, it will be hard, but we can do it.

So now my journey starts over…

I took up residence in the parents home (not that I wanted to) since finding something to rent around this town is slim pickings. I have found an apartment, but I just don’t feel that is the best move for us right now. I’m hoping a house will become available soon close to their school. It’s a great school district so I have to be on my toes if I see something. Checking the paper daily. The girls want a dog. #1 says she wants an American Bulldog…. She might get a cat instead. #2 is pretty content with anything as long as she can play outside. Myself… I would prefer a cat and a house I can move my piano to. I've missed it.

I’m lucky that I’m working and I have the support of family in this situation. I know that there are some people that don’t have that. I’m truly blessed with wonderful understanding parents and my best friend, my sister. They have supported every decision I’ve made over the last couple of years, whether they thought I was wrong or not.

Keep me in your thoughts and prayers… more to come in the life of Rosie

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